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  • Kapil Gautam's avatar
    Google/quick add (#4) · 797f9fa9
    Kapil Gautam authored
    * Login branch initial commit
    * Basic Message Printing
    * Login/Logout Api Call
    * Resolved minor errors
    * Improved url
    * Changed response_type
    * Added the auth link as the message
    * Webhook Endpoint
    * Changed workflow
    * Corrected typo
    * Add token id to app persistence
    * Updated files
    * Changed Webhook method
    * Updated api call
    * Access token received
    * Included user credentials, success login message
    * Added access token in app persistence and updated Readme
    * Updated persistence
    * Update
    * Logged access token inside GCGetter
    * Added logout feature
    * View Event call added
    * Display title, start and end time of events
    * Date - Time format changed
    * Create event implemented
    * Error message if event creation fails
    * Added redirect uri config setting
    * Added link with each view event for update/delete
    * Update
    * Update
    * Resolved conflicts
    * Create LICENSE
    * Quickadd Added
    * Changed naming convention
    * Update
    * Update
    * Updated changes
    * Updated persistence
    * Fix typo on variable name
    * Revert "Fix typo on variable name"
    This reverts commit 64256395.
    * Google/calendar list (#5)
    * Fetching all calendars
    * Added calendar buttons
    * Calendars and buttons in single message
    * Store preferred calendar in persistence
    * Updated calendar list feature
    * Update
    * Updated workflow
    * Removed logs
    * Updated
    * Google/public (#11)
    * Public events creation
    * Changed string concatenation
    * Creating Public events
    * Update GSGetter.ts
    * Update GSGetter.ts