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  • Tasso Evangelista's avatar
    refactor: Main and renderer processes (#2019) · cf62e7bc
    Tasso Evangelista authored
    * Patch dependencies
    * Collect common types
    * Collect common components
    * Move actions and reducers
    * Move modules by process type
    * Split Redux store utilities
    * Split data module
    * Extract deep link helpers
    * Split persistence module
    * Extract fs helpers
    * Extract isProtocolAllowed
    * Refactor mergePersistableValues
    * Extract mergeServers
    * Extract mergeUpdatesConfiguration
    * Extract mergeTrustedCertificates
    * Refactor i18next initialization
    * Add typed Redux hooks
    * Extract RootState and RotAction types
    * Add app key in Redux store
    * Simplify error handling
    * Refactor resolveServerUrl over IPC
    * Use sagas to handle screen sharing requests
    * Add sagas and a new reducer for updates
    * Refactor servers reducer
    * Fix dev paths
    * Handle idle state on main process
    * Refactor RocketChatDesktopAPI
    * Add some missing serverActions
    * Add ui reducer
    * Move the root window icon rendering to a saga
    * Add watch effect
    * Move events to root window module
    * Add root window saga
    * Fix mergeServers function
    * Decouple PersistableValues from other types
    * Refactor deep links handling
    * Add spell checking saga
    * Add downloads saga
    * Remove loosen console.log
    * Add sagas for notifications
    * Refactor the servers reducer
    * Use nanoid
    * Refactor client certificate requests
    * Add new navigation actions
    * Add message box saga
    * Add dialog actions
    * Replace uiActions module
    * Add more sagas
    * Add null React renderer to main process
    * Add MenuBar component
    * Add TrayIcon component
    * Fix preload script sagas
    * Add TouchBar component
    * Deprecate Service class
    * Move sidebar popup menu
    * Handle server views as components