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  • Tasso Evangelista's avatar
    perf! TypeScript, IPC through Redux actions and more (#1684) · 00435e19
    Tasso Evangelista authored
    * Decide when to run RocketChat preload routines
    * Split some preload routines
    * Move server title change handling to the main process
    * Move server favicon change handling to the main process
    * Move more preload routines to the main process
    * Move more preload routines to the main process
    * Move more preload routines to the main process
    * Move more preload routines to the main process
    * Remove obsolete handling of links
    * Simplify Jitsi integration
    * Remove the last references to remote module in preload script
    * Delegate webview configuration to the main process
    * Create browserViews module
    * Move root window renderer modules
    * Fix root window state
    * Use IPC constants
    * Remove unused handler
    * Rename IPC constants
    * Remove tests that will break
    * Remove electron store initialization from sagas
    * Link main process and preload scripts via IPC only
    * Remove remaining direct references to the remote module
    * Remove redux-saga
    * Fix imports order
    * Split app startup
    * Split data module
    * Move selectors module
    * Add basic TypeScript support
    * Add ESLint configuration for TypeScript files
    * Convert some modules to TypeScript
    * Prevent TypeScript errors to break rollup's watch mode
    * Replace no-extra-parens rule for TypeScript
    * Fix ErrorCatcher render
    * Replace electron-redux with self-made middlewares
    * Adapt reducers to TypeScript
    * Write data with a single electron-store call
    * Enable symlinks in AppVeyor build
    * Revert "Enable symlinks in AppVeyor build"
    This reverts commit 47928247.
    * Fix package.json import
    * Minimize references to webContents in the renderer process
    * Add appVersion and appPath to Redux store
    * Remove IPC listening from AboutDialog
    * Add redux-saga again
    * Update entrypoints
    * Add request-response logic to Redux actions
    * Fix servers module
    * Promote some IPC events to Redux actions
    * Fix fallback language and invalid dates formatting
    * Better handling of client certificates selection
    * Move webview failed state to Redux
    * Remove references to ipcRenderer in preload script
    * Convert components to TypeScript
    * Convert preload modules to TypeScript
    * Convert main process modules to TypeScript
    * Fix small bugs
    * Adjust APP_ERROR_THROWN payload
    * Refactor preload rootSaga
    * Refactor rootWindow rootSaga
    * Fix LGTM alerts
    * Add stricter typing to Redux actions
    * Tighten TypeScript checks
    * Update dependencies
    * Upgrade to Electron 10
    * Change indent
    * Upgrade Node.js in CI
    * Use a single Redux store module
    * Type-check actions
    * Remove redux-saga from renderer processes
    * Remove redux-saga (again)
    * Format MacOS entitlement files
    * Use an action type map
    * Spread selectors
    * Use a single error handling module
    * Encapsulate i18n features under the same directory
    * Split modules by feature
    * Fix test configuration
    * Fix notification reply event
    * Migrate remaining IPC events
    * Update some actions
    * Remove circular reference
    * Update dependencies
    * Update README and LICENSE
    * Update README