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  • Tasso Evangelista's avatar
    fix: Theming and typography (#56) · 7efc77e9
    Tasso Evangelista authored
    * Remove unused helper
    * Fix wrong Icon reference
    * Re-enable Storybook on IE11
    * Update style mixins for Button
    * Add Label component
    * Speed-up Icon mouting
    * Condense helpers
    * Remove labels from CheckBox and RadioButton
    * Avoid runtime string transformations
    * Update theming for CheckBox, RadioButton, and ToggleSwitch
    * Add Hint component; update Field, ButtonGroup, and FieldGroup
    * Remove obsolete mixins
    * Remove styled-components from the final bundle
    * Use adimensional lengths on tokens
    * Add some typographic components
    * Update storybook helpers
    * Update dependencies
    * Autoprefix standard classes
    * Rename typography module as textStyles
    * Rename actions module as buttonColors
    * Drop CSS variables again
    * Remove some subclasses
    * Add missing diplayName
    * Reenable CSS vars to base theme variables
    * Reattach theme variables to components
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