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  • Diego Mello's avatar
    [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1055) · 8ea6f164
    Diego Mello authored
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button