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  • Reinaldo Neto's avatar
    feat: new audio player (#5160) · 89b87a3d
    Reinaldo Neto authored
    * feat: media auto-download view
    * media auto download view completed and saving the settings in mmkv
    * audio download preference
    * audio auto download when the user who sent the audio is the same logged on mobile
    * creation of isAutoDownloadEnabled, evaluate hist hook, Image Full Size preload done
    * minor tweak audio show play button after download
    * refactor audioFile to handleMediaDownload and fixed the audio download
    * desestructured params to download too
    * image download and autoDownload, algo fix the formatAttachmentUrl to show the image from local
    * add the possibility to cancel image download and clear local images
    * refactor blur component
    * video download and auto download, also keeped the behavior to download unsuportted videos to the gallery
    * add the possibility to start downloading a video, then exit the room, back again to room and cancel the video previously downloading
    * remove the custom hook for autoDownload
    * remove blurcomponent, fix the blur style in image.tsx, minor tweak video function name
    * send messageId to video
    * introducing the reducer to keep the downloads in progress
    * create a media download selector
    * remove all the redux stuff and do the same as file upload
    * video download behavior
    * done for image and audio
    * fix the try catch download media
    * clean up
    * image container uiKit
    * fix lint
    * change rn-fetch-blob to expo-filesystem
    * add pt-br
    * pass the correct message id when there is an attachment on reply
    * refactor some changes requested
    * fix audio and move the netInfo from autoDownloadPreference to redux
    * variable isAutoDownloadEnable name and handleMediaDownload getExtension
    * message/Image refactored, change the component to show the image from FastImage to Image
    * refactor handleMediaDownload and deleteMedia
    * minor tweak
    * refactor audio
    * refactor video
    * fix the type on the messagesView(the view of files)
    * minor tweak
    * fix the name of searchMediaFIleAsync's result
    * minor tweak, add the default behavior, add the OFF as label
    * minor tweaks
    * verify if the media auto download exists on settings view
    * fix media auto download view layout and minor tweak wifi
    * avoid auto download from reply
    * minor tweak at comment
    * tweak list.section
    * change the name to netInfoState and Local_document_directory
    * remove mediaType and refactor audio and image
    * separate blurview
    * thumbnail video and video behavior
    * add Audio to i18n and minor tweak
    * set the blur as always dark and add the possibility to overlay
    * don't need to controle the filepath in the view
    * fix the loading in image and video at begin
    * save the file with a similar filename as expected
    * removed the necessity of messageId or id
    * minor tweak
    * switch useLayoutEffect to useEffect
    * avoid onpress do some edge case because of cached at video
    * minor tweak
    * tweak at audio comment extension
    * minor tweak type userpreferences
    * remove test id from mediaAutoDownloadView
    * change action's name to SET_NET_INFO_STATE
    * caching and deleting video's thumbnails
    * remove generate thumbnail
    * minor tweak in image
    * update camera-roll and save the file from local url
    * remove local_cache_directory and deleteThumbnail
    * update blur to fix error on android
    * first commit
    * fix togglePlayPause
    * separate audio to a folder inside components and minor tweak attachment
    * created the slider with text
    * play/pause button, currentTime equal the sound, can change the slider and reflect to the sound
    * play/pause, track is working and onEnd
    * update the icons with play-shaped-filled, pause-shape-filled, loading
    * start the tweaks on layout
    * can play multiple audios, pausing the previous to execute the new one
    * loading animated
    * added the audio rate
    * layout fixed
    * removed the sound manipulation from Slider to manipulate only in the index
    * fix time margin horizontal
    * fix play 2 audios and play/pause properly
    * change the way we treat the audio
    * remove audio copy
    * minor tweak
    * fix rate state
    * remove the PAUSE_AUDIO
    * fix unloadAll, add hit slop to slider, show the duration on the first render
    * refactor colors to be the same as figmas name
    * change the class' name and add the method pauseCurrentAudio
    * pause audio when unmount a RoomView and unloadAll when focusing at RoomsListView
    * pause audio when entering a thread
    * fix where call the pauseCurrentAudio
    * moved the player from messageAudio to audioPlayer
    * refactor audio component
    * remove loading
    * update snapshot
    * fix colors name
    * pauseAudio when roomview is blur
    * moved audio from message/component/audio to message/Audio
    * add navigation focus to AudioPlayer component and fix the jest
    * add the { androidImplementation: 'MediaPlayer' }
    * fix action sheet swipe 02-room
    * fix action sheet swipe 05-threads
    * tweak touchable
    * remove react.memo from playbutton
    * hitSlop
    * speed playback from array
    * textinputprops
    * tweak at names
    * minor tweak at onEnd
    * minor tweak at names
    * update styles
    * thumb seek size
    * change marginBottom
    * add the clamp, adjust the thumb position, remove the necessity of OnEndGestureHandler
    * change the utils to constants
    * change to audioState
    * fix the seek for android
    * TDownloadState
    * speed array
    * pause audio from messagesView when open the files
    * update test
    * minor tweak
    * change the time after ony one click, fixes the thumb to move sync with the click
    * Fix seek
    * minor tweak Sound to Audio.Sound
    * name of Icon
    * enable PlaybackSpeed only when playing the audio
    * playbackSpeed to mmkv
    * mock implementation
    * create native button
    * minor tweak
    * minor tweaks
    * playbackSpeed after loadAudio
    * avoid show the error when try to setRate without audio
    * add messageID to differ audios inside a quote/forward from original one
    * unloadRoomAudios instead of unloadAllAudios inside the roomsListView
    * minor tweak
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGleidson Daniel Silva <>