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  • Mikael Mello's avatar
    feat(driver): Client commands for bot management features (#15) · cd29e24c
    Mikael Mello authored
    * Change to reflect moving to streams in RC-side of development
    * Replies to commands are temporarily commented
    * Stream for clientCommands takes userId as argument
    * Reply to commands with a default response
    * Improve dealing with ClientCommands
    * Better logs
    * No more using of a global variable to set a dynamic userId to
      subscribe to the client commands stream, pass it as a parameter
    * SDK will not halt if server does not have client-commands stream
    * Improve handling of ClientCommands and add support to getStatistics
    * Add new stat to reply to getStatistics ClientCommand
    * Add new statistic indicating how many times the bot reconnected
    * Add test of custom command handler and fix bug on getStatistics handler
    * Add response to getLogs request
    * Improve use of logs regarding ClientCommands
    * Fix lint error by adding new line to end of file
    * Change log tag used on ClientCommand related logs
    * Calls setCustomClientData on each client-commands stream reconnect
    * Improve comments and logs regarding ClientCommands
    * Add stack of clients to send as client info to the server
    * Each client has a name and a version
    * Gets version of SDK from package.json
    * Update documentation of ClientCommands
    * Improvoe how the client details are added to the client stack