diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json
index a83fa55f540ce1834c16037b8683254cc649056e..be08dbfc4b186852923b9349bf0b5de44e4733b4 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-i18n/i18n/en.i18n.json
@@ -1090,6 +1090,7 @@
   "Require_password_change": "Require password change",
   "Resend_verification_email": "Resend verification email",
   "Reset": "Reset",
+	"Reset_section_settings": "Reset section settings",
   "Reset_password": "Reset password",
   "Restart": "Restart",
   "Restart_the_server": "Restart the server",
@@ -1516,4 +1517,4 @@
   "your_message_optional": "your message (optional)",
   "Your_password_is_wrong": "Your password is wrong!",
   "Your_push_was_sent_to_s_devices": "Your push was sent to %s devices"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/base.less b/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/base.less
index 47eef3f630cb21a27a530e6dd596243596bc2b31..ee412859e067b86bf33a8f8397648ed03d7582ed 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/base.less
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/base.less
@@ -1830,77 +1830,84 @@ label.required::after {
 				display: none;
+	}
-		.section-title {
-			display: flex;
-			font-size: 24px;
-			font-weight: 600;
-			line-height: 40px;
+	.section-title {
+		display: flex;
+		font-size: 24px;
+		font-weight: 600;
+		line-height: 40px;
-			.section-title-text {
-				flex-grow: 1;
-			}
+		.section-title-text {
+			flex-grow: 1;
+		}
-			.section-title-right {
-				line-height: 0;
-			}
+		.section-title-right {
+			line-height: 0;
+	}
-		.section-content {
-			border: none !important;
-			border-radius: 0 !important;
-			padding: 20px 0 0 !important;
+	.section-content {
+		border: none !important;
+		border-radius: 0 !important;
+		padding: 20px 0 0 !important;
-			.input-line {
-				border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;
-				padding: 20px 0;
-				margin-bottom: 0;
+		.input-line {
+			border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;
+			padding: 20px 0;
+			margin-bottom: 0;
+			display: flex;
+			align-items: center;
-				&:last-child {
-					border-bottom: none;
-					padding-bottom: 0;
-				}
+			&:last-child {
+				border-bottom: none;
+				padding-bottom: 0;
+			}
-				&:first-child {
-					padding-top: 0;
-				}
+			&:first-child {
+				padding-top: 0;
+			}
-				> label {
-					text-align: left;
-					font-weight: 500;
-					font-size: 16px;
-					line-height: 20px;
-				}
+			.horizontal {
+				display: flex;
+			}
-				.settings-description {
-					padding: 5px;
-					line-height: 20px;
-				}
+			.flex-grow-1 {
+				flex-grow: 1;
+			}
+		}
-				.settings-alert {
-					border-width: 1px;
-					font-weight: bold;
-					padding: 5px;
-				}
+		.reset-setting {
+			margin-left: 20px;
+		}
-				.horizontal {
-					display: flex;
-				}
+		.setting-label {
+			text-align: left;
+			font-weight: 500;
+			font-size: 16px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+			width: 25%;
+		}
-				.flex-grow-1 {
-					flex-grow: 1;
-				}
+		.settings-description {
+			padding: 5px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+		}
-				.color-editor {
-					width: 150px;
-					position: relative;
-				}
-			}
+		.settings-alert {
+			border-width: 1px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px;
+		}
-			.selected-rooms {
-				.remove-room {
-					cursor: pointer;
-				}
+		.color-editor {
+			width: 150px;
+			position: relative;
+		}
+		.selected-rooms {
+			.remove-room {
+				cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/utils/_colors.import.less b/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/utils/_colors.import.less
index 556073235a8d8b964356706a4a730b18f0c9b6c6..fdd2165c524942e8082713a10d286c27ed3986ea 100755
--- a/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/utils/_colors.import.less
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-theme/assets/stylesheets/utils/_colors.import.less
@@ -256,6 +256,12 @@ a:hover {
 			color: @secondary-font-color;
+	.section-content {
+		.reset-setting i {
+			color: @error-contrast;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.coffee b/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.coffee
index 31ed03cf61aa95fd59dfb5a948755f6d34070877..20369d3af7be93e8ffe93d1220d492c72185ea1f 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.coffee
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.coffee
@@ -7,6 +7,31 @@ updateColorComponent = (input = $('input.minicolors')) ->
 		theme: 'rocketchat'
 		letterCase: 'uppercase'
+getDefaultSetting = (settingId) ->
+	return RocketChat.settings.cachedCollectionPrivate.collection.findOne({_id: settingId})
+setFieldValue = (settingId, value, type, editor) ->
+	input = $('.page-settings').find('[name="' + settingId + '"]')
+	switch type
+		when 'boolean'
+			$('.page-settings').find('[name="' + settingId + '"][value="' + Number(value) + '"]').prop('checked', true).change()
+		when 'code'
+			input.next()[0].CodeMirror.setValue(value)
+		when 'color'
+			editorColor = editor is 'color'
+			input.parents('.horizontal').find('select[name="color-editor"]').val(editor).change()
+			input.val(value).change()
+			if editorColor
+				Meteor.setTimeout ->
+					updateColorComponent(input)
+					input.minicolors('value', value)
+				, 100
+		else
+			input.val(value).change()
 Template.admin.onCreated ->
 	if not RocketChat.settings.cachedCollectionPrivate?
 		RocketChat.settings.cachedCollectionPrivate = new RocketChat.CachedCollection({ name: 'private-settings', eventType: 'onAll' })
@@ -279,33 +304,35 @@ Template.admin.events
 			group: group
 			changed: true
-		settings = TempSettings.find(query, {fields: {_id: 1, value: 1, editor: 1}}).fetch()
+		settings = TempSettings.find(query, {fields: {_id: 1}}).fetch()
 		settings.forEach (setting) ->
-			oldSetting = RocketChat.settings.cachedCollectionPrivate.collection.findOne({"_id": setting._id})
-			input = $('.page-settings').find('[name="' + setting._id + '"]')
-			switch oldSetting.type
-				when 'boolean'
-					input.not(':checked').prop('checked', true).change()
-				when 'code'
-					input.next()[0].CodeMirror.setValue(oldSetting.value)
-				when 'color'
-					oldEditorColor = oldSetting.editor is 'color'
-					input.parents('.horizontal').find('select[name="color-editor"]').val(oldSetting.editor).change()
-					if oldEditorColor && setting.editor is 'color'
-						input.minicolors('value', oldSetting.value)
-					else
-						input.val(oldSetting.value).change()
-					if oldEditorColor
-						Meteor.setTimeout ->
-							updateColorComponent(input)
-						, 100
+			oldSetting = RocketChat.settings.cachedCollectionPrivate.collection.findOne({_id: setting._id}, {fields: {value: 1, type:1, editor: 1}})
-				else
-					input.val(oldSetting.value).change()
+			setFieldValue(setting._id, oldSetting.value, oldSetting.type, oldSetting.editor)
+	"click .reset-setting": (e, t) ->
+		e.preventDefault();
+		settingId = $(e.target).data('setting')
+		if typeof settingId is 'undefined' then settingId = $(e.target).parent().data('setting')
+		defaultValue = getDefaultSetting(settingId)
+		setFieldValue(settingId, defaultValue.packageValue, defaultValue.type, defaultValue.editor)
+	"click .reset-group": (e, t) ->
+		e.preventDefault();
+		group = FlowRouter.getParam('group')
+		section = $(e.target).data('section')
+		if section is ""
+			settings = TempSettings.find({group: group, section: {$exists: false}}, {fields: {_id: 1}}).fetch()
+		else
+			settings = TempSettings.find({group: group, section: section}, {fields: {_id: 1}}).fetch()
+		settings.forEach (setting) ->
+			defaultValue = getDefaultSetting(setting._id)
+			setFieldValue(setting._id, defaultValue.packageValue, defaultValue.type, defaultValue.editor)
 	"click .submit .save": (e, t) ->
 		group = FlowRouter.getParam('group')
diff --git a/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.html b/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.html
index 9fedc720141d724077ba07a590cb3f27dfb5571e..68833b1efe58531cc54d6eec287ff0297eb1daf6 100644
--- a/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.html
+++ b/packages/rocketchat-ui-admin/admin/admin.html
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
 								{{#each settings}}
 									<div class="input-line double-col {{#if changed}}setting-changed{{/if}}" {{isDisabled}}>
-										<label>{{label}}</label>
-										<div>
+										<label class="setting-label">{{label}}</label>
+										<div class="setting-field">
 											{{#if $eq type 'string'}}
 												{{#if multiline}}
 													<textarea class="input-monitor" name="{{_id}}" rows="4" style="height: auto" {{isDisabled}}>{{value}}</textarea>
@@ -194,9 +194,25 @@
 												<div class="settings-alert"><i class="icon-attention"></i>{{{_ alert}}}</div>
+										{{#unless $eq group._id 'Assets'}}
+											<button text="{{_ 'Reset'}}" data-setting="{{_id}}" class="reset-setting button danger">
+												<i class="icon-ccw"></i>
+											</button>
+										{{/unless}}
+								{{#unless $eq group._id 'Assets'}}
+									<div class="input-line double-col">
+										<label class="setting-label">{{_ "Reset_section_settings"}}</label>
+										<div class="setting-field">
+											<button data-section="{{section}}" class="reset-group button danger">
+												{{_ "Reset"}}
+											</button>
+										</div>
+									</div>
+								{{/unless}}
 								{{#if section}}
 									{{#if sectionIsCustomOAuth section}}
 										<div class="submit">