diff --git a/i18n/en.i18n.json b/i18n/en.i18n.json index 1cf012f42bb7e082535e96dd7174fd514e8734f9..13031607068e302fbb40870cd62a1eafa11991b3 100644 --- a/i18n/en.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/en.i18n.json @@ -3,14 +3,25 @@ "Access_Online_Demo" : "Access the Online Demo", "Accounts" : "Accounts", "Accounts_AllowedDomainsList" : "Comma-separated list of allowed domains", - "Accounts_AllowUsernameChange" : "Allow Username Change", "Accounts_AllowPasswordChange" : "Allow Password Change", + "Accounts_AllowUsernameChange" : "Allow Username Change", "Accounts_AvatarResize" : "Resize Avatars", "Accounts_AvatarSize" : "Avatar Size", "Accounts_AvatarStorePath" : "Avatar Storage Path", "Accounts_AvatarStoreType" : "Avatar Storage Type", "Accounts_denyUnverifiedEmail" : "Deny unverified e-mail", "Accounts_EmailVerification" : "E-mail Verification", + "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers" : "Manually Approve New Users", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path" : "Authorize Path", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color" : "Button Color", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color" : "Button Text Color", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text" : "Button Text", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable" : "Enable", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id" : "Id", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path" : "Identity Path", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret" : "Secret", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path" : "Token Path", + "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_URL" : "URL", "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook" : "Facebook Login", "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id" : "Facebook App Id", "Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret" : "Facebook Secret", @@ -29,21 +40,10 @@ "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor" : "Meteor Login", "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id" : "Meteor Id", "Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret" : "Meteor Secret", - "Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers" : "Manually Approve New Users", - "Accounts_RegistrationRequired" : "Registration Required", "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter" : "Twitter Login", "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id" : "Twitter Id", "Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret" : "Twitter Secret", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_id" : "Id", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_URL" : "URL", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Token_Path" : "Token Path", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Identity_Path" : "Identity Path", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Authorize_Path" : "Authorize Path", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Secret" : "Secret", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Enable" : "Enable", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Text" : "Button Text", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Label_Color" : "Button Text Color", - "Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Button_Color" : "Button Color", + "Accounts_RegistrationRequired" : "Registration Required", "Accounts_RequireNameForSignUp" : "Require name for signup", "Activate" : "Activate", "Add_custom_oauth" : "Add custom oauth", @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ "Administration" : "Administration", "All_channels" : "All channels", "Allow_Invalid_SelfSigned_Certs" : "Allow invalid and Self-Signed SSL certificate's for link validation and previews", - "CDN_PREFIX" : "CDN Prefix", "and" : "and", "API" : "API", "API_Analytics" : "Analytics", @@ -62,6 +61,7 @@ "are_also_typing" : "are also typing", "are_typing" : "are typing", "Are_you_sure" : "Are you sure?", + "Auto_Load_Images" : "Auto Load Images", "Avatar_changed_successfully" : "Avatar changed successfully", "Avatar_url_invalid_or_error" : "The url provided is invalid or not accessible. Please try again, but with a different url.", "away" : "away", @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ "Away_female" : "Away", "away_male" : "away", "Away_male" : "Away", - "Auto_Load_Images" : "Auto Load Images", "Back_to_login" : "Back to login", "bold" : "bold", "busy" : "busy", @@ -80,6 +79,7 @@ "busy_male" : "busy", "Busy_male" : "Busy", "Cancel" : "Cancel", + "CDN_PREFIX" : "CDN Prefix", "Change_avatar" : "Change avatar", "Channels" : "Channels", "Channels_list" : "List of public channels", @@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ "Compact_View" : "Compact View", "Confirm_password" : "Confirm your password", "Contact" : "Contact", - "Delete" : "Delete", "Conversation" : "Conversation", "Convert_Ascii_Emojis" : "Convert ASCII to Emoji", "Create_new" : "Create new", @@ -99,13 +98,13 @@ "Create_new_private_group" : "Create a new private group", "Create_new_public_channel" : "Create a new public channel", "Created_at" : "Created at", - "Custom_oauth_unique_name" : "Custom oauth unique name", "Custom_oauth_helper" : "When setting up your OAuth Provider, you'll have to inform a Callback URL. Use <pre>%s</pre> .", + "Custom_oauth_unique_name" : "Custom oauth unique name", "days" : "days", "Deactivate" : "Deactivate", - "Delete_User_Warning" : "Deleting a user will delete all messages from that user as well. This cannot be undone.", - "Edit" : "Edit", + "Delete" : "Delete", "Delete_Room_Warning" : "Deleting a room will delete all messages posted within the room. This cannot be undone.", + "Delete_User_Warning" : "Deleting a user will delete all messages from that user as well. This cannot be undone.", "Deleted" : "Deleted!", "Desktop_Notifications" : "Desktop Notifications", "Desktop_Notifications_Disabled" : "Desktop Notifications are Disabled. Change your browser preferences if you need Notifications enabled.", @@ -118,6 +117,7 @@ "Duplicate_channel_name" : "A Channel with name '%s' exists", "Duplicate_private_group_name" : "A Private Group with name '%s' exists", "E-mail" : "E-mail", + "Edit" : "Edit", "edited" : "edited", "Email_already_exists" : "Email already exists", "Email_or_username" : "Email or username", @@ -138,25 +138,23 @@ "FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteListDescription" : "Comma-separated list of media types", "Follow_social_profiles" : "Follow our social profiles, fork us on github and share your thoughts about the rocket.chat app on our trello board.", "Forgot_password" : "Forgot your password", - "LDAP_Port" : "LDAP Port", "Fork_it_on_github" : "Fork it on github", - "LDAP_Url" : "LDAP URL", "From_Email" : "From Email", "General" : "General", "Get_to_know_the_team" : "Get to know the Rocket.Team", "github_no_public_email" : "You don't have any email as public email in your GitHub account", "Give_a_unique_name_for_the_custom_oauth" : "Give a unique name for the custom oauth", - "Have_your_own_chat" : "Have your own web chat. Developed with Meteor.com, the Rocket.Chat is a great solution for developers looking forward to build and evolve their own chat platform.", "Has_more" : "Has more", + "Have_your_own_chat" : "Have your own web chat. Developed with Meteor.com, the Rocket.Chat is a great solution for developers looking forward to build and evolve their own chat platform.", "Hide_room" : "Hide room", "History" : "History", "hours" : "hours", "Incorrect_Password" : "Incorrect Password", "inline_code" : "inline_code", "Install_FxOs" : "Install Rocket.Chat on your Firefox", - "Install_FxOs_follow_instructions" : "Please confirm the app installation on your device (press \"Install\" when prompted).", "Install_FxOs_done" : "Great! You can now use Rocket.Chat via the icon on your homescreen. Have fun with Rocket.Chat!", "Install_FxOs_error" : "Sorry, that did not work as intended! The following error appeared:", + "Install_FxOs_follow_instructions" : "Please confirm the app installation on your device (press \"Install\" when prompted).", "Invalid_confirm_pass" : "The password confirmation does not match password", "Invalid_email" : "The e-mail entered is invalid", "Invalid_name" : "The name must not be empty", @@ -190,24 +188,26 @@ "Layout_Sidenav_Footer_description" : "Footer size is 260 x 70px", "Layout_Terms_of_Service" : "Terms of Service", "LDAP" : "LDAP", - "LDAP_Description" : "LDAP is a heirarchical database that many companies use to provide single sign on - a facility for sharing one password between multiple sites and services. For advanced configuration information and examples, please consult our twiki: https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/wiki/LDAP-Authentication.", "LDAP_Bind_Search" : "Bind Search", "LDAP_Bind_Search_Description" : "A piece of JSON that governs bind and connection info and is of the form {\"filter\": \"(&(objectCategory=person)(objectclass=user)(memberOf=CN=ROCKET_ACCESS,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com)(sAMAccountName=#{username}))\", \"scope\": \"sub\", \"userDN\": \"rocket.service@domain.com\", \"password\": \"urpass\"}", + "LDAP_Description" : "LDAP is a heirarchical database that many companies use to provide single sign on - a facility for sharing one password between multiple sites and services. For advanced configuration information and examples, please consult our twiki: https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/wiki/LDAP-Authentication.", "LDAP_DN" : "Distinguished Name (DN)", "LDAP_DN_Description" : "Search root; example: dc=domain,dc=com", "LDAP_Enable" : "Enable LDAP", "LDAP_Enable_Description" : "Attempt to utilize ldap for authentication.", + "LDAP_Port" : "LDAP Port", "LDAP_Port_Description" : "Port to access LDAP on; eg: 389", "LDAP_Sync_User_Data" : "Sync Data", "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_Description" : "Keep user data in sync with server on login (eg: name, email).", "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap" : "User data field map", "LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap_Description" : "Allows configuring how to populate user account fields (like email) from a record in ldap (once found). As an example, {\"cn\":\"name\", \"mail\":\"email\"} will choose a persion's human readable name from the cn attribute, and their email from the mail attribute. Available fields include name, and email.", + "LDAP_Url" : "LDAP URL", "LDAP_Url_Description" : "Uri of the ldap server; example: ldap://company.dns.com", "Leave_room" : "Leave room", "line" : "line", "Load_more" : "Load more", - "Loading_more_from_history" : "Loading more from history", "Loading..." : "Loading...", + "Loading_more_from_history" : "Loading more from history", "Loading_suggestion" : "Loading suggestions...", "Login" : "Login", "Login_with" : "Login with %s", @@ -224,17 +224,17 @@ "Message_AllowEditing" : "Allow Message Editing", "Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutes" : "Block Message Editing After (n) Minutes", "Message_AllowEditing_BlockEditInMinutesDescription" : "Enter 0 to disable blocking", + "Message_AllowPinning" : "Allow Message Pinning", "Message_AudioRecorderEnabled" : "Audio Recorder Enabled", "Message_AudioRecorderEnabledDescription" : "For this to work upload of Wav files must be enabled in the 'File Upload' section", "Message_deleting_not_allowed" : "Message deleting not allowed", - "Message_editing_not_allowed" : "Message editing not allowed", "Message_editing_blocked" : "This message cannot be edited anymore", + "Message_editing_not_allowed" : "Message editing not allowed", + "Message_KeepHistory" : "Keep Message History", "Message_MaxAllowedSize" : "Maximum Allowed Message Size", + "Message_pinned" : "Message pinned", "Message_pinning_not_allowed" : "Message pinning not allowed", - "Message_AllowPinning" : "Allow Message Pinning", - "Message_KeepHistory" : "Keep Message History", "Message_removed" : "Message removed", - "Message_pinned" : "Message pinned", "Message_ShowDeletedStatus" : "Show Deleted Status", "Message_ShowEditedStatus" : "Show Edited Status", "Message_ShowFormattingTips" : "Show Formatting Tips", @@ -254,38 +254,38 @@ "My_Account" : "My Account", "n_messages" : "%s messages", "Name" : "Name", - "Name_optional" : "Name (optional)", "Name_cant_be_empty" : "Name can't be empty", + "Name_optional" : "Name (optional)", "New_messages" : "New messages", "New_password" : "New password", + "No_channel_with_name_%s_was_found" : "No channel with name <strong>\"%s\"</strong> was found!", "No_channels_yet" : "You aren't part of any channel yet.", "No_direct_messages_yet" : "You haven't started any conversations yet.", "No_favorites_yet" : "You haven't added any favorites yet.", + "No_group_with_name_%s_was_found" : "No private group with name <strong>\"%s\"</strong> was found!", "No_groups_yet" : "You have no private groups yet.", "No_permission_to_view_room" : "You don't have permission to view this room", - "No_channel_with_name_%s_was_found" : "No channel with name <strong>\"%s\"</strong> was found!", - "No_group_with_name_%s_was_found" : "No private group with name <strong>\"%s\"</strong> was found!", "No_user_with_username_%s_was_found" : "No user with username <strong>\"%s\"</strong> was found!", "Not_allowed" : "Not allowed", "Not_found_or_not_allowed" : "Not Found or Not Allowed", "Nothing_found" : "Nothing found", "Notify_all_in_this_room" : "Notify all in this room", - "Old_Password" : "Old Password", "Old_and_new_password_required" : "You need to provide both old and new password for changing your password.", - "Only_you_can_see_this_message" : "Only you can see this message", + "Old_Password" : "Old Password", "Online" : "Online", + "Only_you_can_see_this_message" : "Only you can see this message", "Oops!" : "Oops", "Opt_out_statistics" : "Don't send my statistics to Rocket.Chat", "Opt_out_statistics_warning" : "By sending your statistics, you'll help us identify how many instances of Rocket.Chat are deployed, as well as how good the system is behaving, so we can further improve it. Don't worry, as no user information is sent and all the information we receive is kept confidential. If you want to continue sending us your statistics, uncheck the above checkbox. Thank you.", "others" : "others", "Password" : "Password", - "Password_changed_successfully" : "Password changed successfully", "Password_Change_Disabled" : "Your Rocket.Chat administrator has disabled the changing of passwords", + "Password_changed_successfully" : "Password changed successfully", "People" : "People", + "Please_enter_value_for_url" : "Please enter a value for the url of your avatar.", "Please_wait" : "Please wait", "Please_wait_activation" : "Please wait, this can take some time.", "Please_wait_statistics" : "Please wait, statistics are being generated.", - "Please_enter_value_for_url" : "Please enter a value for the url of your avatar.", "Powered_by" : "Powered by", "Preferences" : "Preferences", "Preferences_saved" : "Preferences saved", @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ "Registration_Succeeded" : "Registration Succeeded", "Remember_me" : "Remember me", "Remove" : "Remove", - "Remove_custom_oauth" : "Remove custom oauth", "Remove_Admin" : "Remove Admin", + "Remove_custom_oauth" : "Remove custom oauth", "Reset_password" : "Reset password", "Room" : "Room", "Room_name_changed" : "Room name changed to: <em>__room_name__</em> by <em>__user_by__</em>", @@ -326,6 +326,13 @@ "Room_uploaded_file_list_empty" : "No files available.", "room_user_count" : "%s users", "Rooms" : "Rooms", + "S_new_messages_since_s" : "%s new messages since %s", + "SAML" : "SAML", + "SAML_Custom_Cert" : "Custom Certificate", + "SAML_Custom_Entry_point" : "Custom Entry Point", + "SAML_Custom_Generate_Username" : "Generate Username", + "SAML_Custom_Issuer" : "Custom Issuer", + "SAML_Custom_Provider" : "Custom Provider", "Save" : "Save", "Save_changes" : "Save changes", "Save_Mobile_Bandwidth" : "Save Mobile Bandwidth", @@ -356,12 +363,6 @@ "Site_Name" : "Site Name", "Site_Url" : "Site URL", "Site_Url_Description" : "Example: https://chat.domain.com/", - "SAML" : "SAML", - "SAML_Custom_Cert" : "Custom Certificate", - "SAML_Custom_Entry_point" : "Custom Entry Point", - "SAML_Custom_Generate_Username" : "Generate Username", - "SAML_Custom_Issuer" : "Custom Issuer", - "SAML_Custom_Provider" : "Custom Provider", "SMTP" : "SMTP", "SMTP_Host" : "SMTP Host", "SMTP_Password" : "SMTP Password", @@ -373,9 +374,9 @@ "Stats_Active_Users" : "Active Users", "Stats_Avg_Channel_Users" : "Average Channel Users", "Stats_Avg_Private_Group_Users" : "Average Private Group Users", + "Stats_Away_Users" : "Away Users", "Stats_Max_Room_Users" : "Max Rooms Users", "Stats_Non_Active_Users" : "Inactive Users", - "Stats_Away_Users" : "Away Users", "Stats_Offline_Users" : "Offline Users", "Stats_Online_Users" : "Online Users", "Stats_OS_Arch" : "OS Arch", @@ -396,7 +397,6 @@ "Stop_Recording" : "Stop Recording", "strike" : "strike", "Submit" : "Submit", - "S_new_messages_since_s" : "%s new messages since %s", "The_field_is_required" : "The field %s is required.", "True" : "True", "Unnamed" : "Unnamed", @@ -414,7 +414,6 @@ "User_added_by" : "User <em>__user_added__</em> added by <em>__user_by__</em>.", "User_Channels" : "User Channels", "User_has_been_activated" : "User has been activated", - "Username_Change_Disabled" : "Your Rocket.Chat administrator has disabled the changing of usernames", "User_has_been_deactivated" : "User has been deactivated", "User_has_been_deleted" : "User has been deleted", "User_Info" : "User Info", @@ -432,13 +431,14 @@ "User_removed_by" : "User <em>__user_removed__</em> removed by <em>__user_by__</em>.", "User_Settings" : "User Settings", "User_updated_successfully" : "User updated successfully", - "Users" : "Users", "Username" : "Username", "Username_cant_be_empty" : "The username cannot be empty", + "Username_Change_Disabled" : "Your Rocket.Chat administrator has disabled the changing of usernames", "Username_description" : "The username is used to allow others to mention you in messages.", "Username_invalid" : "<strong>%s</strong> is not a valid username,<br/> use only letters, numbers, dots and dashes", "Username_title" : "Register username", "Username_unavaliable" : "<strong>%s</strong> is already in use :(", + "Users" : "Users", "View_All" : "View All", "Wait_activation_warning" : "Before you can login, your account must be manually activated by an administrator.", "We_have_sent_password_email" : "We have sent you an e-mail with password reset instructions. If you do not receive an e-mail shortly, please come back and try again.", @@ -446,11 +446,11 @@ "Welcome" : "Welcome <em>%s</em>.", "Welcome_to_the" : "Welcome to the", "With_whom" : "With whom", - "Yes_delete_it" : "Yes, delete it!", "Yes_clear_all" : "Yes, clear all!", + "Yes_delete_it" : "Yes, delete it!", "you_are_in_preview_mode_of" : "You are in preview mode of channel #<strong>__room_name__</strong>", "You_need_confirm_email" : "You need to confirm your email to login!", "You_will_not_be_able_to_recover" : "You will not be able to recover this message!", "Your_entry_has_been_deleted" : "Your entry has been deleted.", "Your_Open_Source_solution" : "Your own Open Source chat solution" -} \ No newline at end of file +}