RocketChat.sendMessage = (user, message, room, options) -> if not user or not message or not room._id return false unless message.ts? message.ts = new Date() message.u = _.pick user, ['_id','username'] message.rid = room._id if not message.parseUrls is false if urls = message.msg.match /([A-Za-z]{3,9}):\/\/([-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@{1})?([-A-Za-z0-9\.]+)+:?(\d+)?((\/[-\+=!:~%\/\.@\,\w]+)?\??([-\+=&!:;%@\/\.\,\w]+)?#?([\w]+)?)?/g message.urls = (url) -> url: url message = 'beforeSaveMessage', message if message._id? and options?.upsert is true RocketChat.models.Messages.upsert {_id: message._id}, message else message._id = RocketChat.models.Messages.insert message ### Defer other updates as their return is not interesting to the user ### ### Execute all callbacks ### Meteor.defer -> 'afterSaveMessage', message ### Update all the room activity tracker fields ### Meteor.defer -> RocketChat.models.Rooms.incUnreadAndSetLastMessageTimestampById message.rid, 1, message.ts ### Increment unread couter if direct messages ### Meteor.defer -> if not room.t? or room.t is 'd' ### Update the other subscriptions ### RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.incUnreadOfDirectForRoomIdExcludingUserId message.rid, message.u._id, 1 userOfMention = RocketChat.models.Users.findOne({_id: message.rid.replace(message.u._id, '')}, {fields: {username: 1, statusConnection: 1}}) if userOfMention? RocketChat.Notifications.notifyUser userOfMention._id, 'notification', title: "@#{user.username}" text: message.msg payload: rid: message.rid sender: message.u type: room.t name: if Push.enabled is true and userOfMention.statusConnection isnt 'online' Push.send from: 'push' title: "@#{user.username}" text: message.msg apn: text: "@#{user.username}:\n#{message.msg}" badge: 1 sound: 'chime' payload: host: Meteor.absoluteUrl() rid: message.rid sender: message.u type: room.t name: query: userId: userOfMention._id else mentionIds = [] message.mentions?.forEach (mention) -> mentionIds.push mention._id # @all? toAll = mentionIds.indexOf('all') > -1 if mentionIds.length > 0 usersOfMention = RocketChat.models.Users.find({_id: {$in: mentionIds}}, {fields: {_id: 1, username: 1}}).fetch() if room.t is 'c' and !toAll for usersOfMentionItem in usersOfMention if room.usernames.indexOf(usersOfMentionItem.username) is -1 Meteor.runAsUser usersOfMentionItem._id, -> 'joinRoom', room._id ### Update all other subscriptions of mentioned users to alert their owners and incrementing the unread counter for mentions and direct messages ### if toAll # all users except sender if mention is for all RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.incUnreadForRoomIdExcludingUserId message.rid, user._id, 1 else # the mentioned user if mention isn't for all RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.incUnreadForRoomIdAndUserIds message.rid, mentionIds, 1 # Get ids of all mentioned users. userIdsToNotify = _.pluck(usersOfMention, '_id') userIdsToPushNotify = userIdsToNotify # If the message is @all, notify all room users except for the sender. if toAll and room.usernames?.length > 0 usersOfRoom = RocketChat.models.Users.find({ username: {$in: room.usernames}, _id: {$ne: user._id}}, {fields: {_id: 1, username: 1, status: 1}}) .fetch() onlineUsersOfRoom = _.filter usersOfRoom, (user) -> user.status in ['online', 'away', 'busy'] userIdsToNotify = _.union userIdsToNotify, _.pluck(onlineUsersOfRoom, '_id') userIdsToPushNotify = _.union userIdsToPushNotify, _.pluck(usersOfRoom, '_id') if userIdsToNotify.length > 0 for usersOfMentionId in userIdsToNotify RocketChat.Notifications.notifyUser usersOfMentionId, 'notification', title: "@#{user.username} @ ##{}" text: message.msg payload: rid: message.rid sender: message.u type: room.t name: if userIdsToPushNotify.length > 0 if Push.enabled is true Push.send from: 'push' title: "@#{user.username} @ ##{}" text: message.msg apn: text: "@#{user.username} @ ##{}:\n#{message.msg}" badge: 1 sound: 'chime' payload: host: Meteor.absoluteUrl() rid: message.rid sender: message.u type: room.t name: query: userId: $in: userIdsToPushNotify ### Update all other subscriptions to alert their owners but witout incrementing the unread counter, as it is only for mentions and direct messages ### RocketChat.models.Subscriptions.setAlertForRoomIdExcludingUserId message.rid, message.u._id, true return message