import { createFakeVisitor } from '../../mocks/data'; import { IS_EE } from '../config/constants'; import { createAuxContext } from '../fixtures/createAuxContext'; import { Users } from '../fixtures/userStates'; import { HomeOmnichannel, OmnichannelLiveChat } from '../page-objects'; import { test, expect } from '../utils/test'; const firstVisitor = createFakeVisitor(); const secondVisitor = createFakeVisitor(); test.use({ storageState: Users.user1.state }); test.describe('OC - Livechat - Queue Management', () => { test.skip(!IS_EE, 'Enterprise Only'); let poHomeOmnichannel: HomeOmnichannel; let poLiveChat: OmnichannelLiveChat; const waitingQueueMessage = 'This is a message from Waiting Queue'; test.beforeAll(async ({ api, browser }) => { await Promise.all(['/settings/Livechat_Routing_Method', { value: 'Auto_Selection' }),'/settings/Livechat_accept_chats_with_no_agents', { value: true }),'/settings/Livechat_waiting_queue', { value: true }),'/settings/Livechat_waiting_queue_message', { value: waitingQueueMessage }),'/livechat/users/agent', { username: 'user1' }), ]); const { page: omniPage } = await createAuxContext(browser, Users.user1, '/', true); poHomeOmnichannel = new HomeOmnichannel(omniPage); // Agent will be offline for these tests await poHomeOmnichannel.sidenav.switchOmnichannelStatus('offline'); }); test.beforeEach(async ({ browser, api }) => { const context = await browser.newContext(); const page2 = await context.newPage(); poLiveChat = new OmnichannelLiveChat(page2, api); await'/livechat'); }); test.afterAll(async ({ api }) => { await Promise.all(['/settings/Livechat_waiting_queue', { value: false }),'/settings/Livechat_waiting_queue_message', { value: '' }), api.delete('/livechat/users/agent/user1'), ]); await; }); test.describe('OC - Queue Management - Auto Selection', () => { let poLiveChat2: OmnichannelLiveChat; test.beforeEach(async ({ browser, api }) => { const context = await browser.newContext(); const page = await context.newPage(); poLiveChat2 = new OmnichannelLiveChat(page, api); await'/livechat'); }); test.afterEach(async () => { await poLiveChat2.closeChat(); await; await poLiveChat.closeChat(); await; }); test('Update user position on Queue', async () => { await test.step('should start livechat session', async () => { await poLiveChat.openAnyLiveChatAndSendMessage({ liveChatUser: firstVisitor, message: 'Test message', isOffline: false, }); }); await test.step('expect to receive Waiting Queue message on chat', async () => { await expect(`div >> text=${waitingQueueMessage}`)).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step('expect to be on spot #1', async () => { await expect(poLiveChat.queuePosition(1)).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step('should start secondary livechat session', async () => { await poLiveChat2.openAnyLiveChatAndSendMessage({ liveChatUser: secondVisitor, message: 'Test message', isOffline: false, }); }); await test.step('should start secondary livechat on spot #2', async () => { await expect(poLiveChat2.queuePosition(2)).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step('should start the queue by making the agent available again', async () => { await poHomeOmnichannel.sidenav.switchOmnichannelStatus('online'); }); await test.step('user1 should get assigned to the first chat', async () => { await expect(poLiveChat.queuePosition(1)).not.toBeVisible(); }); await test.step('secondary session should be on position #1', async () => { await expect(poLiveChat2.queuePosition(1)).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step('secondary session should be taken by user1', async () => { await expect(poLiveChat2.queuePosition(1)).not.toBeVisible(); }); }); }); });