import type { ChildProcess } from 'child_process'; import { EventEmitter } from 'stream'; import type { DenoRuntimeSubprocessController } from './AppsEngineDenoRuntime'; import type { ProcessMessenger } from './ProcessMessenger'; const COMMAND_PING = '_zPING'; const defaultOptions: LivenessManager['options'] = { pingRequestTimeout: 1000, pingFrequencyInMS: 10000, consecutiveTimeoutLimit: 4, maxRestarts: Infinity, restartAttemptDelayInMS: 1000, }; /** * Responsible for pinging the Deno subprocess and for restarting it * if something doesn't look right */ export class LivenessManager { private readonly controller: DenoRuntimeSubprocessController; private readonly messenger: ProcessMessenger; private readonly debug: debug.Debugger; private readonly options: { // How long should we wait for a response to the ping request pingRequestTimeout: number; // How long is the delay between ping messages pingFrequencyInMS: number; // Limit of times the process can timeout the ping response before we consider it as unresponsive consecutiveTimeoutLimit: number; // Limit of times we can try to restart a process maxRestarts: number; // Time to delay the next restart attempt after a failed one restartAttemptDelayInMS: number; }; private subprocess: ChildProcess; // This is the perfect use-case for an AbortController, but it's experimental in Node 14.x private pingAbortController: EventEmitter; private pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount = 0; private restartCount = 0; private restartLog: Record<string, unknown>[] = []; constructor( deps: { controller: DenoRuntimeSubprocessController; messenger: ProcessMessenger; debug: debug.Debugger; }, options: Partial<LivenessManager['options']> = {}, ) { this.controller = deps.controller; this.messenger = deps.messenger; this.debug = deps.debug; this.pingAbortController = new EventEmitter(); this.options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); this.controller.on('ready', () =>; this.controller.on('error', async (reason) => { if (reason instanceof Error && reason.message.startsWith('DECODE_ERROR')) { await this.restartProcess('Decode error', 'controller'); } }) } public getRuntimeData() { const { restartCount, pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount, restartLog } = this; return { restartCount, pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount, restartLog, }; } public attach(deno: ChildProcess) { this.subprocess = deno; this.pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount = 0; this.subprocess.once('exit', this.handleExit.bind(this)); this.subprocess.once('error', this.handleError.bind(this)); } /** * Start up the process of ping/pong for liveness check * * The message exchange does not use JSON RPC as it adds a lot of overhead * with the creation and encoding of a full object for transfer. By using a * string the process is less intensive. */ private ping() { const start =; let aborted = false; const setAborted = () => { this.debug('Ping aborted'); aborted = true; }; // If we get an abort, ping should not continue this.pingAbortController.once('abort', setAborted); new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { const onceCallback = () => { this.debug('Ping successful in %d ms', - start); clearTimeout(timeoutId); this.pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount = 0; resolve(); }; const timeoutCallback = () => { this.debug('Ping failed in %d ms (consecutive failure #%d)', - start, this.pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount);'pong', onceCallback); this.pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount++; reject('timeout'); }; const timeoutId = setTimeout(timeoutCallback, this.options.pingRequestTimeout); this.controller.once('pong', onceCallback); }) .then(() => !aborted) .catch((reason) => { if (aborted) { return false; } if (reason === 'timeout' && this.pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount >= this.options.consecutiveTimeoutLimit) { this.debug('Subprocess failed to respond to pings %d consecutive times. Attempting restart...', this.options.consecutiveTimeoutLimit); this.restartProcess('Too many pings timed out'); return false; } return true; }) .then((shouldContinue) => { if (!shouldContinue) {'abort', setAborted); return; } setTimeout(() => { if (aborted) return;'abort', setAborted);; }, this.options.pingFrequencyInMS); }); this.messenger.send(COMMAND_PING); } private handleError(err: Error) { this.debug('App has failed to start.`', err); this.restartProcess(err.message); } private handleExit(exitCode: number, signal: string) { this.pingAbortController.emit('abort'); const processState = this.controller.getProcessState(); // If the we're restarting the process, or want to stop the process, or it exited cleanly, nothing else for us to do if (processState === 'restarting' || processState === 'stopped' || (exitCode === 0 && !signal)) { return; } let reason: string; // Otherwise we try to restart the subprocess, if possible if (signal) { this.debug('App has been killed (%s). Attempting restart #%d...', signal, this.restartCount + 1); reason = `App has been killed with signal ${signal}`; } else { this.debug('App has exited with code %d. Attempting restart #%d...', exitCode, this.restartCount + 1); reason = `App has exited with code ${exitCode}`; } this.restartProcess(reason); } private async restartProcess(reason: string, source = 'liveness-manager') { if (this.restartCount >= this.options.maxRestarts) { this.debug('Limit of restarts reached (%d). Aborting restart...', this.options.maxRestarts); this.controller.stopApp(); return; } this.restartLog.push({ reason, source, restartedAt: new Date(), pid:, }); try { await this.controller.restartApp(); } catch (e) { this.debug('Restart attempt failed. Retrying in %dms', this.options.restartAttemptDelayInMS); setTimeout(() => this.restartProcess('Failed restart attempt'), this.options.restartAttemptDelayInMS); } this.pingTimeoutConsecutiveCount = 0; this.restartCount++; } }