- Nov 23, 2023
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
- Added tests on Rules' Obligations and combining Obligations from multiple Rules: pdp-testutils/src/test/resources/conformance/others/Rule_Obligations.* - Refactoring/merging code of DPOverridesCombiningAlg and DPUnlessPDCombiningAlg classes
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
- Added tests on Rules' Obligations and combining Obligations from multiple Rules: pdp-testutils/src/test/resources/conformance/others/Rule_Obligations.* - Refactoring/merging code of DPOverridesCombiningAlg and DPUnlessPDCombiningAlg classes
- Nov 22, 2023
Cyril Dangerville authored
Cyril Dangerville authored
- Nov 03, 2023
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
- Refactored PdpExtensions class - Fixed Javadoc issues
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
- Changed Java requirement to Java 17
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
- Fixed #87 - Upgraded JAXB: 4.0, replaced javax.xml.bind package imports with jakarta.xml.bind - Changed abstract XacmlXmlPdpTest class to final XacmlXmlPdpTestHelper class - Removed junit as compile/runtime dependency of pdp-testutils module - Removed Jongo dependency and PolicyPojo class, using official Mongodb java sync driver "mongodb-driver-sync": 4.11.0 and new JSON schema for policy document validation instead: pdp-testutils/src/main/resources/mongodb_policy_provider_doc_schema.json - Upgraded picocli: 4.7.5 - Upgraded authzforce-ce-xacml-json-model: 4.0.0 - Upgraded jakarta.jws-api: 3.0.0 - Upgraded jakarta.xml.ws-api: 3.0.1 - Upgraded authzforce-ce-parent: 9.0.0 - Upgraded authzforce-ce-core-pdp-api: 22.0.0
- Sep 13, 2023
Cyril Dangerville authored
- Sep 09, 2023
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
cdanger authored
Cyril Dangerville authored
Replaced old issue template with new ones
Cyril Dangerville authored
Added new issue templates
- Aug 12, 2023
Cyril Dangerville authored
Added Stackoverflow tag
Cyril Dangerville authored
- Aug 08, 2023
Cyril Dangerville authored
Cyril Dangerville authored
Cyril Dangerville authored
Cyril Dangerville authored
Cyril Dangerville authored
Cyril Dangerville authored