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  • cdanger's avatar
    - Fixed issue #21 (OW2) with non-regression test · 67717a3c
    cdanger authored
    - Fixed issue #22 (OW2) with non-regression test
    - New feature to set Standard Current Time Environment Attribute
    - New features: strictAttributeIssuerMatch=false supported when
    retrieving attributes from provider modules (if attribute has Issuer,
    Issuer-less copy added to context)
    - New way of handling ReturnPolicyIdList (return applicable policies)
    with new definition of applicable policies (not returning NotApplicable
    and enclosing policy is applicable, if any)
    -> changes to response in tests IIIG301,302
    - Removed TestApplyMarshalling because we consider no longer the
    responsibility of the PDP to be able to marshall XACML instances, but
    the caller; in particular classes ApplyExpression,
    AttributeDesignatorExpression, AttributeSelectorExpression,
    AttributeAssigmnentExpressionEvaluator no longer extending JAXB classes
    to simplify and improve code memory usage
    - New  utility class StandardCombiningAlgorithms for registry of
    standard combining algorithms
    - New  utility class StandardEnvironmentAttributes for registry of
    standard environment attributes
    - - New  utility class StandardFunctions for registry of standard
    - Fixed issues with autoboxing/unboxing
    - Use of Guava Preconditions.checkNotNull() and ImmutableList
    - Use of koloboke HashMap/HashSet
    - Removed MutableDecisionResult