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All notable changes to this project are documented in this file following the [Keep a CHANGELOG]( conventions. We try to apply [Semantic Versioning]( with one particular rule: the version must be equal to or greater than the version of the _authzforce-ce-rest-api-model_ dependency (declared in _rest-service_ module's POM). Indeed, this dependency holds the resources of the REST API specification implemented by this project. Therefore, the rule helps relate a specific version of this project to the specific version of the REST API specification that is implemented/supported.
## Unreleased
### Fixed
- #22 (OW2): When handling the same XACML Request twice in the same JVM with the root PolicySet using deny-unless-permit algorithm over a Policy returning simple Deny (no status/obligation/advice) and a Policy returning Permit/Deny with obligations/advice, the obligation is duplicated in the final result at the second time this situation occurs. 
- XACML StatusCode XML serialization/marshalling error when Missing Attribute info that is no valid anyURI is returned by PDP in a Indeterminate Result
- Other issues reported by Codacy

### Changed
- Parent project version: authzforce-ce-parent: 3.4.0
- Dependency versions: authzforce-ce-core-pap-api: 5.3.0, authzforce-ce-pap-dao-flat-file: 6.1.0
- Interpretation of XACML Request flag ReturnPolicyId=true, considering a policy "applicable" if and only if the decision is not NotApplicable and if it is not a root policy, the same goes for the enclosing policy. See also the discussion on the xacml-comment mailing list:
- AttributeProvider module API: new environmentProperties parameter in factories, allowing module configurations to use global Environment properties like PARENT_DIR variable
- New PDP XML configuration (file 'conf/domain.tmpl/pdp.xml'): schema namespace = (previous namespace:
  - Removed 'functionSet' element
  - Added 'standardEnvAttributeSource' attribute (enum): sets the source for the Standard Current Time Environment Attribute values (current-date, current-time, current-dateTime): PDP_ONLY, REQUEST_ELSE_PDP, REQUEST_ONLY
  - Added 'badRequestStatusDetailLevel' attribute (positive integer) sets the level of detail of the error message in StatusDetail returned in Indeterminate Results in case of bad Requests

### Added
- Upgrader tool now supporting migration from 5.1.x, 5.2.x, 5.3.x, 5.4.x to current (to help deal with PDP XML schema changes, esp. namespace)
### Added
- Conformance with [REST Profile of XACML v3.0 Version 1.0](, especially test assertion [urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:profile:rest:assertion:home:pdp]( (FIWARE SEC-923). 

### Changed
- REST API model (authzforce-ce-rest-api-model) version: 5.3.1 (only text and FastInfoset-encoded XML are supported, not JSON)

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## 5.3.0
### Changed
- Version of dependency `authzforce-ce-pap-dao-flat-file` to `6.0.0`, causing changes to the REST API URL `/domains/{domainId}/pap/` regarding IDs of features of type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:request-filter`:
	- `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:default-lax` changed to `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:request-filter:default-lax`;
	- `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:default-strict` changed to `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:request-filter:default-strict`;
	- `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories-strict` changed to `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:request-filter:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories-strict`;
	- `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories-lax` changed to `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:request-filter:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories-lax`.

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## 5.2.0
### Added
- REST API spec (authzforce-ce-rest-api-model) v5.1.0 support: enhanced management of PDP features, i.e. all supported features may be listed, and each feature may have a 'type' and an 'enabled' (true or false) state that can be updated via the API
- Supported PDP features by type: 
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:core` (PDP core engine features, as opposed to extensions below): `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:core:xpath-eval` (experimental support for XACML AttributeSelector, xpathExpression datatype and xpath-node-count function), `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature:pdp:core:strict-attribute-issuer-match` (enable strict Attribute Issuer matching, i.e. AttributeDesignators without Issuer only match request Attributes with same AttributeId/Category but without Issuer)
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:data-type`: any custom XACML Data type extension
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:function`: any custom XACML function extension
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:function-set`: any set of custom XACML function extensions
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:combining-algorithm`: any custom XACML policy/rule combining algorithm extension
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:request-filter`: any custom XACML request filter + native ones, i.e. `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:default-lax` (default XACML Core-compliant Individual Decision Request filter), `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:default-strict` (like previous one except duplicate <Attribute> in a <Attributes> is not allowed), `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories-lax` (request filter implenting XACML profile `urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:profile:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories`), `urn:ow2:authzforce:xacml:request-filter:multiple:repeated-attribute-categories-strict` (like previous one except duplicate <Attribute> in a <Attributes> is not allowed)
  - Type `urn:ow2:authzforce:feature-type:pdp:result-filter`: any custom XACML Result filter extension
-  Distribution upgrader now supporting all 4.x versions as old versions

## 5.1.2
- REST API features (see *Changed* section for API changes):
	- URL path specific to PDP properties:
		- `GET /domains/{domainId}/pap/` gives properties of the PDP, including date/time of last modification and active/applicable policies (root policy and policies referenced directly/indirectly from root)
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		- `PUT /domains/{domainId}/pap/` also allows to set PDP's root policy reference and enable PDP implementation-specific features, such as Multiple Decision Profile support (scheme 2.3 - repeated attribute categories)
	- URL path specific to PRP (Policy Repository Point) properties: `GET or PUT /domains/{domainId}/pap/`: set/get properties `maxPolicyCount` (maximum number of policies), `maxVersionCount` (maximum number of versions per policy), `versionRollingEnabled` (enable policy version rolling, i.e. oldest versions auto-removed when the number of versions of a policy is about to exceed `maxVersionCount`) 
	- Special keyword `latest` usable as version ID pointing to the latest version of a given policy (in addition to XACML version IDs like before), e.g. URL path `/domains/{domainId}/pap/policies/P1/latest` points to the latest version of the policy `P1`
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	- Fast Infoset support with new data representation type `application/fastinfoset` (in addition to `application/xml`) for all API payloads. Requires Authzforce Server to be started in a specific mode using [JavaEE Environment Entry]( `` in Tomcat-specific Authzforce webapp context file (`authzforce-ce.xml`). Default type remains `application/xml` (default type is used when a wildcard is received as Accept header value from the client) 
	- API caches domains' PDPs and externalIds for performance reasons, but it is now possible to force re-synchronizing this domain cache after any change to the backend domain repository, i.e. reloading domains' PDPs and externalIDs without restarting the webapp or server:
		- `GET or HEAD /domains` forces re-synchronization of all domains
		- `GET or HEAD /domains/{domainId}/properties` forces re-synchronization of externalId with domain properties file (properties.xml) in the domain directory
		- `GET or HEAD /domains/{domainId}/pap/`; or `GET or HEAD /domains/{domainId}/pap/policies` forces re-synchronization of PDP with configuration file (`pdp.xml`) and policy files in subfolder `policies` of the domain directory
		- `DELETE /domains/{domainId}` forces removal of the domain from cache, and the domain directory if it still exists (removes from cache only if directory already removed)
	- Properties for controlling the size of incoming XML (`maxElementDepth`, `maxChildElements`, `maxAttributeCount`, `maxAttributeSize`, `maxTextLength`) corresponding to [CXF XML security properties]( may be configured as [JavaEE Environment Entries]( in Tomcat-specific Authzforce webapp context file (`authzforce-ce.xml`). Only `maxElementDepth` and `maxChildElements` are supported in Fast Infoset mode (due to issue [CXF-6848](
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- Completed 100% XACML 3.0 Core Specification compliance with support of Extended Indeterminate values in policy evaluation (XACML 3.0 Core specification, section 7.10-7.14, appendix C: combining algorithms)
- Distribution upgrader: tool to upgrade from Authzforce 4.2.0
- Supported REST API model (authzforce-ce-rest-api-model) upgraded to **v5.1.1** with following changes: 
  - PDP's root policy reference set via method `PUT /domains/{domainId}/pap/` (instead of `PUT /domains/{domainId}/properties` in previous version)
  - URL path `/domains/{domainId}/pap/attribute.providers` replaces `/domains/{domainId}/pap/attributeProviders` from previous version, in order to apply better practices of REST API design (case-insensitive URLs) and to be consistent with new API paths `` and `` (see *Added* section)
- Multiple Decision Profile disabled by default after domain creation (enabled by default in previous version)
- Backend flat-file database (DAO):
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	- Format of `properties.xml` (domain properties): XML namespace changed to `` (instead of `` in previous version)
	- Format of `pdp.xml` (PDP): XML schema/namespace of PDP PolicyProvider configuration changed to `` (instead of `` in previous version)
	- Strategy for synchronizing cached domain's PDP and externalId-to-domain mapping with configuration files: no longer using Java WatchService (not adapted to NFS or CIFS shares), but each domain has a specific thread polling files in the domain directory's and checking their `lastModifiedTime` attribute for change:
		- If a given domain ID is requested and no matching domain in cache, but a matching domain directory is found, the domain is automatically synced to cache and the synchronizing thread created;
		- If the domain's directory found missing by the synchronizing thread, the thread deletes the domain from cache.
		- If any change to `properties.xml` (domain description, externalId) detected, externalId updated in cache
		- If any change to `pdp.xml` or the file of any policy used by the PDP, the PDP is reloaded.
- ZIP distribution format (`.zip`) changed to tarball format (`.tar.gz`), more suitable for Unix/Linux environments.

### Removed
- Dependency on commons-io, replaced with Java 7 java.nio.file API for recursive directory copy/deletion
- Github #1: deleted domain ID still returned by GET /domains?externalId=...
- FIWARE JIRA [SEC-870]( Debian/Ubuntu package dependencies: `java7-jdk` replaced with `openjdk-7-jdk | oracle-java7-installer`
- Policy versions returned in wrong order by API
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## 4.4.1
### Changed
- Default domain rootPolicyRef no longer has 'Version' specified so that the root policy is always the latest version added via the PAP (by default).

### Fixed
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- Hiding file paths from error messages returned by the REST API  
## 4.4.0
### Added
- XACML 3.0: Support for new XACML 3.0 standard string functions: type-from-string and string-from-type where type can be any XACML datatype (boolean, integer, double, time, date, etc.), string-starts-with, string-ends-with, anyURI-ends-with, anyURI-starts-with, string-contains, anyURI-contains, string-substring, anyURI-substring. 
- XACML 3.0: Support new xacml 3.0 standard higher-order bag functions: any-of, all-of, any-of-any, map.
- XACML 3.0: Suppport for new XACML 3.0 standard date/time functions: dateTime-add-dayTimeDuration, dateTime-add-yearMonthDuration, dateTime-subtract-dayTimeDuration, dateTime-subtract-yearMonthDuration, date-add-yearMonthDuration, date-subtract-yearMonthDuration, dayTimeDuration-one-and-only, dayTimeDuration-bag-size, dayTimeDuration-is-in, dayTimeDuration-bag, yearMonthDuration-one-and-only, yearMonthDuration-bag-size.
- REST API: Enable/Disable logging of API requests and responses with access info (timestamp, source IP address, requested URL path, requested method, message body...) for audit, debugging, troubleshooting purposes 

## 4.3.0
### Added
- REST API: CRUD operations per policy with versioning at URL path /domains/{id}/pap/policies/{policyId}/{policyVersion}. Each {policyId}/{policyVersion} represents a specific XACML PolicySet Id/Version that can be referenced from the PDP's root PolicySet or from other policies via PolicySetIdReference 
- REST API: Domain property 'externalId' to be set by the client when provisioning/updating a domain (like in SCIM REST API). May be used in query parameter to retrieve a domain resource.
- REST API: Domain property 'rootPolicyRef' to define the root policy via policy reference to one of the policies managed via URL path /domains/{id}/pap/policies/{policyId}/{policyVersion}.
- XACML 3.0: Suppport for new xacml 3.0 standard equality functions: string-equal-ignore-case, dayTimeDuration-equal, yearMonthDuration-equal.
- XACML 3.0: Support for VariableDefinitions/VariableReferences
- XACML 3.0: support of Indeterminate arguments in boolean functions (and, or, n-of), i.e. the function may evaluate successfully with Indeterminate arguments under certain conditions
  1. OR: If at least 1 True arg, then True regardless of Indeterminate args; else if at least 1 Indeterminate, return Indeterminate; else false.
  1. AND: If at least 1 False arg, then False regardless of Indeterminate args; else if at least 1 Indeterminate, then Indeterminate; else True.
  1. N-OF: similar to OR but checking whether at least N args are True instead of 1, in the remaining arguments; else there is/are n True(s) with n < N; if there are at least (N-n) Indeterminate, return Indeterminate; else return false.
- Global configuration properties: max number of policies per domain, max number of versions per policy
- Distribution as WAR

### Changed
- REST API: Base64url-encoded domain IDs, to make URL paths shorter.
- XML namespaces for REST API data model using public URLs and schema versioning (namespace includes major version and usage of 'version' attribute in root schema element)

### Fixed
- Policy(Set) IDs rejected although valid per definition of xs:anyURI, e.g. if it contained space characters.
- Error if no subject, action or resource attributes in XACML request

### Security
- Detection of circular references in Policy(Set)IdReferences or VariableReference
- Configurable max allowed depth of PolicySetIdReference or VariableReference

## 4.2.0
### Added
- Distribution as Debian package
- XACML 3.0: Permit-unless-deny policy/rule combining algorithm
- XACML 3.0: Ordered-deny-overrides policy/rule combining algorithm
- XACML 3.0: Ordered-permit-overrides policy/rule combining algorithm
- XACML 3.0: Multiple Decision Profile, scheme 2.3 (repetition of attribute categories)

- Initial release in open source