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Commit 2256f95e authored by Emmanuel Duchastenier's avatar Emmanuel Duchastenier Committed by GitHub
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feat(tomcat8): update bundle packaging with Tomcat 8.5 (#119)

* update catalina conf in order not to scan too many jar files
* modify properties file to keep with previous tomcat format
  goes from
  "25-Jul-2017 14:29:17.192 INFO [localhost-startStop-1] org.bonitasoft.engine.log.technical.TechnicalLoggerSLF4JImpl.log THREAD_ID=29 | HOSTNAME=dolgonos-bonita | Start service of platform : 
  "2017-07-25 14:22:09.092 +0200 INFO: org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.PlatformAPIImpl THREAD_ID=29 | HOSTNAME=dolgonos-bonita | Start service of platform : org.bonitasoft.engine.cache.ehcache.PlatformEhCacheCacheService"

parent 246c308f
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