# Bonita portal js
Part of bonita portal written using AngularJs
## Requirements
- node.js > v6.9.4
- yarn > v0.27.5
- maven > 3.3.9
Please run `yarn install` Before launching any of following tasks
### Launch project in development mode
Before running project in development mode, you need to launch a Bonita backend available on URL http://localhost:8080/
Project should be running at URL http://localhost:9000/bonita/portaljs/
### Launch unit tests
### Launch unit tests in watch mode
### Launch end to end tests
You can run specific e2e class test with this command line.
yarn run e2eOnly --specs=path_to_file.e2e.js
### Launch end to end tests in headless mode
yarn run e2e:headless
### Localization
Localization keys can be extracted from source files to an .pot output file (./target/portal-js.pot). To do so, run the following command