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invalidURLTitle=URL inv\u00e1lida
invalidURLMsg=Ha ocurrido un error al abrir el navegador web.
widgetRepository=Widgets personalizados
externalURL=URL externa
targetForm=Formulario de destino
Romain Bioteau's avatar
Romain Bioteau committed
pageDoesntExists=No existe la p\u00e1gina "{0}".
caseStartFormMappingDescription=Select the type of form used to instantiate the process.
entryFormMappingDescription=Select the type of form used to fulfill the contract.
caseOverviewFormMappingDescription=The overview page is displayed in Bonita BPM Portal when you click the Overview button in the Case details page. There are no restrictions on the information that this page can include. If you do not specify a page, a default overview page is provided.
newFormTooltip=Create or edit a form based on the contract. It will be automatically mapped to this {0}.
openUIDesigner=Abrir UI Designer
uiDesignerLabel=UI Designer
creatingNewForm=Creando nuevo formulario...
switchTypeOfFormQuestionTitle=Form type incompatibility
switchTypeOfFormQuestion=The current form type for this task is {0}. A contract has been defined so you can use the UI designer to create a form that automatically contains the relevant widgets for the contract inputs. Do you want to use the UI designer to create a new form?
internalFormMappingUndefined=Internal form mapping is undefined for {0}.
formDoesntExistAnymoreMessage=The form {0} does not exist anymore. It may have been deleted from UI designer.
formDoesntExistAnymoreTitle=The form {0} does not exist anymore.
stepUIDesignerInfo=If the form has not yet been created, you are recommended to define the contract first.\nThis will enable generation of a form with the relevant widgets and data bindings for the contract inputs.\nIf you do not specify a form, a default form based on the contract is provided for development purposes.\nClick the pencil icon to edit the form, or use the dropdown list to map a different form.
processUIDesignerInfo=If the form has not yet been created, you are recommended to define the contract first.\nThis will enable generation of a form with the relevant widgets and data bindings for the contract inputs.\nIf you do not specify a form, a default form based on the contract is provided for development purposes.\nClick the pencil icon to edit the form, or use the dropdown list to map a different form.
overviewUIDesignerInfo=Click the pencil icon to create or edit the overview page, or use the dropdown list to map a different page.
overviewURLInfo=Specify the URL of the page.\nThe processInstanceID is provided in the query string. It is the value of the parameter <id> that is added to the external URL when redirecting. Other REST API resources are available for filling in the page with values, notably a "context" (API/bpm/case/<processInstanceId>/context and API/bpm/archivedCase/<archivedProcessInstanceId>/context) including business data and document references.
stepURLInfo=Specify the URL of the form.\nThis must send back information that fulfills the contract by calling API/bpm/userTask/<taskInstanceId>/execution.\nThe taskInstanceID is provided in the query string. It is the value of the parameter <id> that is added to the external URL when redirecting.\nOther REST API resources are available for filling in the form with initial values, notably a "context" (API/bpm/userTask/<taskInstanceId>/context) that includes business data and document references, and a "contract" (API/bpm/userTask/<taskInstanceId>/contract) that describes the format of the contract to fulfill when executing the task.
processURLInfo=Specify the URL of the form.\nThis must sent back information that fulfill the contract by calling API/bpm/process/<processDefinitionId>/instantiation.\nThe processDefinitionID is provided in the query string. It is the value of the parameter <id> that is added to the external URL when redirecting.\nOther REST API resources are available for filling in the form with initial values, notably a "context" (API/bpm/process/<processDefinitionId>/context) that includes business data and document references, and a "contract" (API/bpm/process/<processDefinitionId>/contract) that describes the format of the contract to fulfill when instantiating the process.
overviewLegacyInfo=Go to the 6.x Application tab to define the overview page.
stepLegacyInfo=Go to the 6.x Application tab to define the task pageflow. The contract must be empty.
processLegacyInfo=Go to the 6.x Application tab to define the instantiation pageflow. The contract must be empty.