invalidURLTitle=Invalid URL
invalidURLMsg=An error has occurred while opening a web browser.
widgetRepository=Custom Widgets
pageDoesntExists=Page "{0}" doesn't exists.
caseStartFormMappingDescription=Select the form that the user will see to start a case.
entryFormMappingDescription=Select the form that the user will see for this Task.
caseOverviewFormMappingDescription=Select the form that the user will see when consulting a finished case.
newFormTooltip=Create or edit a form based on the contract. It will be automatically mapped to this {0}.
legacyForm=Legacy form
openUIDesigner=Open UI designer
uiDesignerLabel=UI designer
creatingNewForm=Creating new form...
switchTypeOfFormQuestionTitle=Form type incompatibility
switchTypeOfFormQuestion=The current form type for this task is {0}. A contract has been defined so you can use the UI designer to create a form that automatically contains the relevant widgets for the contract inputs. Do you want to use the UI designer to create a new form?
internalFormMappingUndefined=Internal form mapping is undefined for {0}.
formDoesntExistAnymoreMessage=The form {0} does not exist anymore. It may have been deleted from UI designer.
formDoesntExistAnymoreTitle=The form {0} does not exist anymore.