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## Smartphone Test Farm Setup Examples

This repository contains setup examples of [openstf/stf]( on [various hosts](#supported-hosts) using [Vagrant]( with [VirtualBox]( provider.

## Supported Hosts
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- [CoreOS](#run-stf-on-coreos-cluster)
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## Requirements
- [VirtualBox]( >= 5.0.0
- [Vagrant]( >= 1.7.3

## Setup

git clone stf-setup-examples
cd stf-setup-examples

## Run Rethinkdb Cluster

cd ./db
vagrant up
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Above command will do
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- Download **ubuntu/trusty64** image if image is not present (*this may take time depending on internet speed*)
- Launch Ubuntu VM and set its IP to `$rethinkdb_host_ip` configured in [Configuration File](config.rb) (**Default:**)
- Install and run rethinkdb server

You can confirm if rethinkdb is up by visiting rethinkdb admin console ( or http://RETHINKDB_HOST_IP:8080)
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## Run STF on CoreOS Cluster

### Requirements
- Install [fleetctl client](
  - On OS X, you can install it using `brew install fleetctl`.
- Make sure that rethinkdb is running by following [these instructions](#run-rethinkdb-cluster)

### Configuration
You can configure global variable present in [CoreOS Configuration File](coreos/coreos_config.rb) according to your Requirements.

### Run CoreOS Cluster

cd coreos
vagrant up
Above command will do
- Download **CoreOS** image if image is not present (*this may take time depending on internet speed*)
- Launch `$num_instances` configured in [CoreOS Configuration File](coreos/coreos_config.rb) instances of CoreOS VM
- You can check if all the instances are running using `vagrant global-status` command

### Configuring fleetctl
Next, we will be launching services inside CoreOS cluster using fleetctl. First we need to export a global variable
FLEETCTL_ENDPOINT. This endpoint will tell fleetctl running on host os (OS X in my case) to talk with fleet daemon running inside one of the guest OS.

Using core-01 guest OS.

Now, run `fleetctl list-machines` command, You will see something like below

6e3e7dc2... -
9821f508... -
ab5747a8... -

Now, your CoreOS cluster is ready to deploy STF Components.

### Deploy STF Components
#### adbd.service
You need to have a single `adbd.service` unit running on each host where devices are connected.`Global=true` X-Fleet parameter in [adbd.service](coreos/unit_files/adbd.service) will make it run on each cluster host.

Deploy using below command

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/adbd.service
fleetctl start adbd
It will take `adbd.service` some time to start on each host. Once it is done, you can check by running `fleetctl list-units` command. You will see

adbd.service	6e3e7dc2.../	active	running
adbd.service	9821f508.../	active	running
adbd.service	ab5747a8.../	active	running

#### rethinkdb-proxy-28015.service
You need a single instance of the rethinkdb-proxy-28015.service unit on each host where you have another unit that needs to access the database. In this example we will run this unit on all host by setting `Global=true` parameter in [rethinkdb-proxy-28015.service](coreos/unit_files/rethinkdb-proxy-28015.service) unit file.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/rethinkdb-proxy-28015.service
fleetctl start rethinkdb-proxy-28015

#### stf-migrate.service
This unit creates database and tables necessary for STF. This is a oneshot unit, meaning that it shuts down after it's done.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-migrate.service
fleetctl start stf-migrate
Again, this unit will take time to start since, it will be downloading stf docker image for the first time.

Once the service is done, go to the rethinkdb admin console ( and check if you can see [devices, logs, users, vncauth] tables in "Tables" tab.

#### stf-app@.service
This unit provides the main HTTP server. It can have many instances running on same or different host using different port. But in this example, we will run only one unit.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-app@.service
fleetctl start stf-app@3100
This will run stf-app at 3100 port on one of the server. You can check where it is running by `fleetctl list-units` command.

#### stf-auth@.service
This unit is responsible for authorizing the user. STF provides [many options]( for this. In this example we will use mock login.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-auth@.service
fleetctl start stf-auth@3200
This will run stf-app at 3200 port on one of the server. You can check where it is running by `fleetctl list-units` command.

#### stf-triproxy-app.service
This unit provide triproxy service for application side.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-triproxy-app.service
fleetctl start stf-triproxy-app
After running this service note the IP of the machine on which this unit is running by `fleetctl list-units` command. From now, we will call this IP as

#### stf-triproxy-dev.service
This unit provide triproxy service for device side.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-triproxy-dev.service
fleetctl start stf-triproxy-dev
After running this service note the IP of the machine on which this unit is running by `fleetctl list-units` command. From now, we will call this IP as

#### stf-storage-plugin-apk@.service
The APK storage plugin loads raw blobs from the main storage unit and allows additional actions to be performed on APK files, such as retrieving the AndroidManifest.xml.

It can have many instances running on same or different host using different port. But in this example, we will run only one unit on 3300 port.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-storage-plugin-apk@.service
fleetctl start stf-storage-plugin-apk@3300

#### stf-storage-plugin-image@.service
The image storage plugin loads raw blobs from the main storage unit and and allows images to be resized using parameters.

It can have many instances running on same or different host using different port. But in this example, we will run only one unit on 3400 port.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-storage-plugin-image@.service
fleetctl start stf-storage-plugin-image@3400

#### stf-storage-temp@.service
It can have many instances running on same or different host using different port. But in this example, we will run only one unit on 3500 port.

Start service using

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/stf-storage-temp@.service
fleetctl start stf-storage-temp@3500

#### stf-processor@.service
The processor is the main workhorse of STF. It acts as a bridge between the devices and the app, and nearly all communication goes through it. It is better to use have more units of this running. In this example, I will run processor on all hosts.

Before starting service, first we need to update processor unit file to use and IP addresses we noted above. Update [stf-processor@.service](coreos/unit_files/stf-processor@.service) unit file.

Start service using

fleetctl submit unit_files/stf-processor@.service
fleetctl start stf-processor@{1..3}.service

#### stf-websocket@.service
The websocket unit provides the communication layer between client-side JavaScript and the server-side ZeroMQ+Protobuf combination. Almost every action in STF goes through the websocket unit.

Before starting service, first we need to update processor unit file to use IP addresses we noted above. Update [stf-websocket@.service](coreos/unit_files/stf-websocket@.service) unit file.

It can have many instances running on same or different host using different port. But in this example, we will run only one unit.

Start service using

fleetctl submit unit_files/stf-websocket@.service
fleetctl start stf-websocket@3600.service