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  • Lubomir Bulej's avatar
    DiSL: Use the InsnList iterable provided by AsmHelper.allInsnsFrom() to... · d797c942
    Lubomir Bulej authored
    DiSL: Use the InsnList iterable provided by AsmHelper.allInsnsFrom() to copying instruction list at selected places
    DiSL: UnprocessedCode: avoid instruction list copy and replace index-based insn iteration with iterable-based
    DiSL: AbstractParser, ParserHelper, BodyMarker, BytecodeMarker, InsnNodeMarker, NewObjMarker, NonskippingBytecodeMarker, MaxCalculator: avoid instruction list copy
    DiSL: AfterInitBodyMarker: replace use of iterator with iterable
    DiSL: SnippetUnprocessedCode: replace index-based insn iteration with iterable-based, cosmetic cleanups
    DiSL: BasicBlockCalc: avoid instruction list copy, kill index-based hasNextNonVirtInstr() in favor of AsmHelper.nextNonVirtualInsn
    DiSL: Weaver, WeavingCode, PartialEvaluator: add comments to keep intruction list copying in place until iterator use can be verified to be OK
    DiSL: WeavingCode: avoid instruction list copy when not being modified