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  • Lubomir Bulej's avatar
    DiSL: moved transformer related code into Transformers class. · ec5b7a4a
    Lubomir Bulej authored
    DiSL: moved DiSL class initialization into DislClasses class.
    DiSL: moved ClassNode unmarshalling/marshaling code into ClassNodeHelper.
    ClassNodeHelper: encapsulate different loading strategies for snippets and instrumented classes.
    ClassNodeHelper: provide ClassNode duplication code.
    ClassNodeHelper: provide code for marshaling ClassNode into class-files.
    Transformer: moved to disl package.
    Transformer: removed propagateUninstrumentedClasses() method, its purpose is unclear.
    TransformerException: moved to disl package, to be used for exceptions resulting from applying transformers to code.
    TransformerInitializationException: created as a class to be used for exceptions occurring during transformer loading and initialization.
    Transformers: encapsulates transformer loading, initialization, and application code.
    InitException: renamed to DiSLInitializationException to serve as top-level exception for initialization exceptions.
    LocalVars: added put() methods for thread-local and synthetic-local variables.
    LocalVars: getThreadLocals() and getSyntheticLocals() now return unmodifiable maps.
    AbstractParser: use the LocalVars.put() methods to insert local variables into LocalVars.
    DislClassParser: renamed to DislClasses, as it represents the collected snippets.
    DislClasses: moved snippet and argument processor initialization code from DiSL class.
    DislClasses: removed the getProcessors() and getAllLocalVars() methods that are no long necessary.
    ClassByteLoader, DiSL: cleaned up formatting.
    testtools.agent.Transformer: initialize DiSL statically.
    testtools.agent.Transformer: partially cleaned up formatting.
     initialization/loading code 