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Main repository of the OW2 MiniApp Initiative https://miniapp-initiative.ow2.io
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This WebLab Webservice is a wrapper for the Open Source Natural Language Processing Platform provided by the university of Sheffield : GATE. It is mainly in charge of extracting named entities based on the annotation created by the GATE plugins.
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Boolean satisfaction and optimization engines to solve SAT, Pseudo-Boolean and MAXSAT problems.
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This projects is used to build traceability links between Decoder artifacts
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CLIF runtime, load injectors, probes and GUIs. The clif-legacy repo is the reference version to use, still maintained and extended, as long as the Proactive CLIF version is not fully functional.
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This project generates a preconfigured WebLab application in a tar.gz archive. This can be used either for demonstration purposes or as a baseline to produce more complex applications.
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A deployable instance of the GGI Handbook, for local implementation of the method.
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