- Oct 26, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Oct 23, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Oct 20, 2010
Philippe Merle authored
- Oct 05, 2010
Philippe Merle authored
to determine the Java package where the WSDL service class is defined. This issue appeared with the ADT galaxy's dealer network example where some WSDL <service> are not declared in the same namespace than their related WSDL <portType> declaration.
- Oct 03, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Change the API of the parser service to include contextual information. This contextual information is needed by Fractal ADL. The idea is to let the component optimization level source code generator depends only on juliac-core and not of some Fractal ADL plugin specific feature. This generator should be reused by Tinfi for supporting component-based membranes defined with the SCA Assembly Language.
- Oct 02, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Policy change for associations between bytecode and source interceptor generators (for class and source code): enable retrieving the class name of the generator from the .cfg file directly even if no association has been previously defined. Used in Tinfi for specifying code generators directly in the .cfg file.
- Oct 01, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
New --iclassgs for specifying association between bytecode interceptor class generator and source code ones. The same for MOJO XML tags, i.e. for <igs> renamed to <icodegs> and new <iclassgs> tag.
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Retrieve interceptor class generator information from julia.cfg. Store in JuliacConfig associations between bytecode interceptor class generator and source ones.
- Sep 30, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Sep 23, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Move module tests-tools from examples/advanced/ to extension/ and used it for the tests of module juliac-core.
Lionel Seinturier authored
Deprecated. As far as I know, solution never really tested and not used. Furthermore, such a feature would now take different paths now (see Tinfi and multi annotation set support.)
Lionel Seinturier authored
Philippe Merle authored
Commented UPnP test cases because they require that the underlying OS supports multicast and this is not the case of the OW2 Bamboo machine.
- Sep 20, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Sep 04, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Aug 25, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Aug 24, 2010
Romain Rouvoy authored
- Aug 19, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Philippe Merle authored
Philippe Merle authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Jul 23, 2010
Christophe Demarey authored
Christophe Demarey authored
Christophe Demarey authored
- Jul 22, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Christophe Demarey authored
Christophe Demarey authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
- Jul 21, 2010
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored
Lionel Seinturier authored