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  • Philippe Merle's avatar
    Migrated to EasyBPEL-1.6-SNAPSHOT, which will be based on Tinfi-1.4.5-SNAPSHOT soon. · 33c0a1e7
    Philippe Merle authored
    - moved to new EasyBPEL/EasyViper API:
      - InternalMessage -> Message
      - ExternalMessage -> Message
      - BPELInternalMessage -> Message
      - BPELInternalMessageImpl -> MessageImpl
      - no more DefaultBPELMessageConverter
    - moved the type of valueElmt from xsd:int to xsd:double into factorial.wsdl
      This is implied by the new XPATH engine used by EasyBPEL.
      With the previous XPATH engine used, anIntegerVariable - 1 produced anIntegerValue
      With the new XPATH engine used,      anIntegerVariable - 1 produces aDoubleValue
      So the factorial BPEL process produces now a double result when it produced an integer result previously.
    WIP: some issues are still to be resolved for running all FraSCAti's BPEL-based examples (crisis, nrbc, picweb)