Boris Baldassari
## Support open source communities
Activity ID: [GGI-A-30](
Boris Baldassari
Boris Baldassari
This activity is about engaging with institutional representatives of the open source world.
Boris Baldassari
It is achieved through:
- Joining OSS foundations (including the financial cost of membership).
- Supporting, advocating foundations activities.
Boris Baldassari
This activity involves allocating the development and IT teams some time and budget to participate in open source communities.
### Opportunity Assessment
Open source communities are at the forefront of the evolution of the open source ecosystem. Engaging with open source communities has several advantages:
Boris Baldassari
- it helps keep informed and up to date,
- it enhances the profile of the organisation,
- membership comes with benefits,
- it provides additional structure and motivation to the open source IT team.
Boris Baldassari
Costs include:
- membership fees,
- personnel time and some travel budget allocated to participate in community activities,
- monitoring of IP commitment.
### Progress Assessment
Boris Baldassari
The following **verification points** demonstrate progress in this Activity:
Boris Baldassari
- [ ] The organisation is a signed member of an open source foundation.
- [ ] The organisation participates in the governance.
- [ ] Software developed by the organisation is submitted to / has been added to the code base of a foundation.
- [ ] Membership is acknowledged on the websites of both the organisation and the community.
- [ ] Performed cost/benefit assessment of the membership.
- [ ] A contact point for the community has been appointed.
Boris Baldassari
- Join a community compatible with your size and resources, i.e. a community that can hear your voice and where you can be a recognized contributor.
Boris Baldassari
Boris Baldassari
- Check out this [useful page]( from the Linux Foundation on the why and how to join an open source community.
### Proposed next activities
- [GGI-A-31 - Publicly assert use of open source]( Now that you officially support some OSS communities, make it known! It is good for your reputation, and it is good for the projects in terms of health and dissemination.