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  • Alexandre Delaunay's avatar
    Rewrite planning with · 26216f84
    Alexandre Delaunay authored
    wip planning
    missing file in previous commit
    wip planning
    WIP planning
    WIP planning
    WIP planning
    WIP planning
    fix height for non split view
    work on plannings in session
    add refresh button on header
    missing files in previous commit
    work on session on filters for planning
    add user to planning
    remove plannings
    work on planning: init user session, change color, review toggle display
    Fixing issue #94
    trailing spaces
    work on planning : add projecttask; factorisation
    work on planning : palette
    work on planning: new palette, simpler form for adding
    work on planning: group of users
    work on planning: checkbox and color events for group_users
    work on planning; construct event support group of users
    work on planning : semantic and editable events
    work on planning; direct group
    work on planning, clean and add phpdoc
    work on planning: print css
    work on planning: export ical
    work on planning: disable menu
    work on planning: fix position of new form on ie
    work on planning: date format
    fix url of item
    remove redirect page
    prevent qtip blinking
    edit event with ajax
    upgrade icalcreator lib to avoid warning with php7
    hide qtip on edit event with ajax
    fix drag and drop from and to allday
    disable qtip on mousedown
    prevent qtip showing in window blured
    prevent edit event on resize event
    view task content instead parent content for CommonItilTask
    delay re-enble edition after resizing events
    increase width/height of resizer
    prepare multiple source for event adding
    disable content for allday events
    permit to add event from other itemtype (declare it into $CFG_GLPI['planning_add_types'])
    fix position of new event form
    edit event with ajax and return to planning after deletion of an item
    check alreadyplanned only for todo/done with reminder
    fix content append for allday (removed when dragging)
    projecttask are now editable (drag/resize) in planning
    edit plan times from classic form get original starting time
    randomize subform of planning edition in an event classic form
    responsive css for planning
    toggle for planning filters
    planning on central
    fix user installation
    don't display planning on central if no data
    better height for previous commit and fix js error
    init sesssion also for central