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  • Gianfranco Gesu Manganiello Tiso's avatar
    build: compile and minify library (#29) · 29a5a23d
    Gianfranco Gesu Manganiello Tiso authored
    * feat(git): add node_modules to gitignore
    * feat(GlpiRestClient): compile the code with babel and webpack
    * feat(GlpiRestClient): minify compiled code
    * ci(GlpiRestClient): change circleci to travis
    * refactor(GlpiRestClient): move code
    * build: move source code to 'src' and the compiled library to 'lib'
    * refactor(GlpiRestClient): update sample codes and unit tests
    * build(package): update repository url
    * build(package): update main
    * build(package): update contributors