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# Imixs-Admin

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The Imixs-Admin project provides a web based administration tool to manage an [Imixs-Workflow]( instance.  
Imixs-Admin connects to a running Imixs-Workflow instance via the Imixs-Rest API. 
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<img src="./imixs-admin-51.png" style="width:75%;"/>
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## Features

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These are the core features of Imixs-Admin:

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* Search documents using Lucene search queries or the Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
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* Update or add properties to documents and process instances
* Process a set of workitems in a batch process
* Delete a set of documents manually or in batch 
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* Manage BPMN Models
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* Start AdminP Jobs to rebuild the index or upgrade existing data
* Import and Export workflow data into the file system. 
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<img src="./imixs-admin-51b.png" style="width:75%;"/>
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Learn more about the Imixs-Admin Tool on the [Imixs Workflow Project Site](
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## Run with Docker
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Imixs-Admin is based on Jakarta EE 10 and Wildfly Version 27.0.0. The project provides a Docker Image to be used to run the service in any Docker environment or in a Kubernetes cluster. 
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The docker image is available on [DockerHub]( 
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You can start the latest version of the Imixs-Admin Tool in a docker container running:
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	$ docker run --rm --name="wildfly" -it \
			-p 8080:8080 \
			-e WILDFLY_PASS="adminadmin" \

...and load the Imixs-Admin client from your browser
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### Insecure SSL Connections

The initialization of a secure JAX-RS / HTTPs connection from the Imixs-Admin client to a Imixs-Workflow instance can fail caused by the lack of a certificate in Java's keystore. A certificate import into the java keystore fixes the problem in most cases. But for development or for system tests, however, a certificate verification is not required and can be omitted. To accept insecure SSL connections the environment variable IMIXS_REST_CLIENT_INSECURE can be set to 'true':


In this mode, the Imixs-Rest Client will install a custom SSL TrustManager that accepts insecure SSL connections.

**Note:** This feature should only be used in dev and test environments!
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## Build the Docker Image

To build the imixs-admin Docker image manually run:
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	$ mvn clean install -Pdocker
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To start it from your local docker environment:

	$ docker-compose up
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## Changing the RootContext
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The Imixs-Admin client is installed per default into the root context "/". You can change the root context by changing teh glassfish-web.xml file. The following example set the root-context to "/dev/": 
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	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC "-// GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN"
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## The Maven 'wildfly' Profile
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During development you can use the docker-compose-dev.yml file. This stack contains a sample application and the Imixs-Admin tool. The deployment is  maped to the docker/deployments folder to the wildfly auto deploy directory. 
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	$ mvn clean install -Pwildfly
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	$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
you may have to grant the deployment folder first to allow the docker non privileged user to access this location.

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	$ sudo chmod 777 docker/deployments/
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In this mode the deployment directory for wildfly is mapped to '~/git/imixs-admin/src/docker/deployments'
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To build the Docker image directly from the Dockerfile run:
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	docker build --tag=imixs/wildfly .	
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# Development

Imixs-Admin provides a Docker-Compose stack for development including the Imixs-Process-Manager and a Postgres DB.
To start the stack run:

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	$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
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you can Access the Admin Client via


and in a separate browser instance you can access the sample application:


To connect the Admin client to the sample application use the following internal host address:

	URL: http://imixs-sample-app:8080/api
	Authentication : Basic

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## Build 
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In the Develoopment mode, the deployment direictory is  maped to `imixs-admin/src/docker/deployments`, this is the wildfly auto deploy directory. 
You may have to grant the deployment folder first to allow the docker non privileged user to access this location.
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	$ sudo chmod 777 docker/deployments/

To build the imixs-admin client manually from sources run:

	$ mvn clean install 
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An autodeployment will be started using the Maven plugin [Manik Hot-Deploy](
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The .war file can be deployed into any Jakarta EE Application server.
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## Debug Mode

To build the imixs-admin client manually from sources with debug mode run the maven command:

	$ mvn clean install -Pdebug

This will build a Docker Image exposing the Wildfly Debug Port 8787.