#Plugin htmldocs
Htmldocs plugin allows to create portlets linked with objects that are manageable in the associated admin feature.
The Hmtldocs plugin's goal is to simplify the site administration page. In fact it allows to create and edit portlets content with the tinyMCE "inlite" theme editor, which permits to paste tabs, images, lutece links and of course html content.The Htmldoc object contains the author name and all previous versions that can be easily restored at any moment.
There is two ways to create an htmldoc portlet : - Create an Htmldoc document in the admin feature then link it to a new portlet- Dynamically create an htmldoc portlet on the "site administration" page, and directly fill it in with the content of your choice Moreover, every changes applied to either the portlet or it's linked Htmldoc is applied to the other.
[Maven documentation and reports](http://dev.lutece.paris.fr/plugins/plugin-htmldocs/)
*generated by [xdoc2md](https://github.com/lutece-platform/tools-maven-xdoc2md-plugin) - do not edit directly.*