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  • ipatini's avatar
    Modified control-service pom.xml to copy baguette-client.tgz from maven... · 89359b12
    ipatini authored
    Modified control-service pom.xml to copy baguette-client.tgz from maven repository, call maven-checksum-plugin to calculate MD5 checksum and copy '', 'index.html' and 'favicon.ico' from their respective sources. Move vm.xml assembly description in baguette-client/src/main/assembly folder and renamed it to 'installation-package'. Modified control-service configuration to map http://...:8111/resources to file:resources/ (relative to working dir. rather than to $MELODIC_CONFIG_DIR). Modified control-service Dockerfile to copy baguette client installation staff into $WORKDIR/resources (rather than in config/resources)