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OCCInterface is a generic application which let you explore and modify the resources of an OCCI server.
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Its aims are multiple:
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- give a productivity tool to developers calling the OCCI API
- manage and explore resources of an OCCI server easily
- vulgarize, explain OCCI to newcomers, diffuse the OCCI way of thinking
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- be an (executable) reference documentation of capabilities of an OCCI implementation or of an integration of OCCI clouds, thanks to [executable REST samples](
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A demo is avalaible here :
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## How to use it
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### Through a docker image

If you have Docker installed (if not, you can find how to do so [here](, and don't want to mess with your pre-existing dev environment, you may prefer this to the next section ("How to build and run it locally").

``` bash
git clone
cd occiware-ozwillo/docker/occinterface
sudo docker build -t occinterface .
sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 occinterface

### Or build and run it locally

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Requirement :
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(some versions bellow should work too but have not been tested)
- nodeJS: >=6
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- npm: >=3.8.9

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NB. an easy way to install both, whatever the version of node you already have, is to install [nvm]( :
``` bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
curl -o- | bash
nvm install v6.2.0

Build and run :
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``` bash
git clone

``` bash
npm install

``` bash
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npm run dev
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You can go to [http://localhost:3000/](http://localhost:3000/).
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Then, you need to enter the URL of the OCCI server on the input at the top of the page (without "/" at the end)
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## How to integrate it in your own OCCI implementation
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## FAQ
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Marc Dutoo's avatar
Marc Dutoo committed
- How to know the exact requests (and responses) sent by OCCInterface to the Cloud backend ?  
Simple : use an in-browser Javascript debug tool. If your browser is Firefox for instance, you can install Firebug, start it and then go in its Console (or Network) tab, where you can right-click on requests and see everything - and even "copy for curl".

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Marc Dutoo committed
- What is the syntax of executable REST samples ?  
Short answer : see examples in [src/readings]( such as []( Long answer : read below.

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- What is a **playground link** and how to create it ?  
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A playground link is a clickable link that make a GET request on the API and displays its content in the codeview.
To do so, create a classic link in markdown, and make your URL begin with "/"  
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- What is a **sample link** and how to create it ?  
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A sample link is a link that post datas onto the current server when clicking on it. The formating is as follow (in markdown):

``` JSON
text before %{
  "text": "sampleLink",
MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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  "post": {
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    "address": "/compute",
MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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    "datas": {
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MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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      "attributes": {
        "occi.compute.hostname" : "test",
        "occi.compute.state" : "inactive"
      "id": "6df690d2-3158-40c4-88fb-d1c41584d6e5"
}% text after

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It will result into a clickable link, which will post or put datas on click:
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``` HTML
<p>text before <a>sampleLink</a> text after</p>
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You can post an array instead of an object (in the "datas" attribute).
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It can be put instead of posted, by using the "put" key instead of the "post" one.

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If you want your sample link to post to different categories, just put an array instead of an object inside the "post" attribute. Example :

``` JSON
  "text": "sampleLink",
MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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  "post": [
Marc Dutoo's avatar
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        "address": "/compute",
MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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        "datas": {
          "attributes": {
            "occi.compute.hostname" : "test",
            "occi.compute.state" : "inactive"
          "id": "6df690d2-3158-40c4-88fb-d1c41584d6e5"
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        "address": "/storage",
MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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        "datas": [
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MATHONAT Romain's avatar
MATHONAT Romain committed
              "attributes": {
                "" : 1000
              "id": "6df690d2-3158-40c4-88fb-d1c41584d6e6"
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MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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              "attributes": {
                "" : 500
              "id": "6df690d2-3158-40c4-88fb-d1c41584d689"
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MATHONAT Romain's avatar
MATHONAT Romain committed
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MATHONAT Romain committed
- Can I delete datas with a sample link ?  
Yes, you can, with the following format :
MATHONAT Romain's avatar
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  "text": "my sample link",
  "del": "/6df690d2-3158-40c4-88fb-d1c41584d6e7"
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Marc Dutoo's avatar
Marc Dutoo committed
- can I execute an OCCI action with a sample link ?
Yes, you can, with the following format :

``` JSON
text before %{
  "text": "my sample action link",
  "post": {
    "address": "/compute/6df690d2-3158-40c4-88fb-d1c41584d6e5?action=stop",
    "datas": {
      "attributes": {
        "method": "graceful"
}% text after

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- How to deploy on Heroku ?  

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``` bash
#need to be done once
heroku git:remote -a herokiRepo
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``` bash
npm run build
``` bash
git commit -am "deployment message"
``` bash
git push heroku master
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- I have an issue "(mixed active content)", how to fix it ?
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You need to have the same domain policy between your OCCI server and your OCCInterface server. For instance http with http, or https with https.
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## OCCInterface with the MART server

Follow the instructions of the [MART server]( : check it out, then do

mvn initialize
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java

Beware, there are [several differences between MART and erocci](, though OCCInterface does its best to work with both.

## OCCInterface with the erocci server

**How to configure your Erocci Server :**

Follow the instructions of [erocci](

Then, you need to edit the config/sys.config file.
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Find the "backend" section, and modify it that way :

``` erlang
     {root, erocci_backend_mnesia,
      [{schema, "/path/to/config.xml"}],

Copy locally and use [this file]( as the config.xml file.

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Then, you can start the server with