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  • Antoine Mottier's avatar
    Gracefully handle db connection issue, logging and various improvements · a64adc76
    Antoine Mottier authored
    - No longer get JDBC driver using `Class.forName`.
    - Remove System.out and System.err and replace them with call to SLF4J for logging and logback has a backend with currently only a development debug configuration that log to STDOUT.
    - Use MariaDB JDBC driver.
    - Make code tolerant to database connection issue (log error in log and display error message to user).
    - Get d3.js using HTTPS (avoid a redirection).
    - Set default project using the first one in project list rather than hardcoded ASM.
    -  Use Servlet version 3.1.0 instead of 4.0.1 as we target Jetty 9.4 that only support servlet 3.1.0.