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Constraints.model 565 B
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Etienne Charlier committed
// Test model
// These are the konstraints of the simple test model (see Variables.model) 
// used to test the actor interaction. On normal form the first constraint is
// 0 >= (2 x1)^3 - (k-1)^2 -x2

// #include <cmath>

make_inequality_constraint( [&](void){ return
    pow(2 * x1.Value(), 3.0) - pow( k.Value() - 1, 2) - x2.Value();

// and the second constraint is on normal form
// 0 >= (sqrt(k) - x1)^3 - x2

make_inequality_constraint( [&](void){ return
    pow( sqrt( k.Value() ) - x1.Value(), 3.0 ) - x2.Value();