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  • Fabien Viale's avatar
    Optimize JobData and TaskData queries · 4acab84c
    Fabien Viale authored
     - discontinue support of pa.scheduler.job.removeFromDataBase=false, which implied executing joined tables queries constantly (decreases performance and disallow some indexing)
     - add 3 indexes in JobData (submit_time, scheduled_time_for_removal, and job_id_status : composite index used to optimize scheduler portal default list jobs query)
     - getTaskCounts : avoid joined table query by considering only task statuses.
     - getFinishedTaskCount : fix incomplete list of finished task statuses
     - getPendingTaskCount : add in-error status (similar to pause)
     - adapt db tests
     - add owner column in TaskData to avoid join
     - initialize TaskData.owner using JobData.owner when recovering an existing database
     - TaskData : replace by to avoid implicit cross join
     - TaskDBUtils : supress removeTime usage and replace jobData.owner by taskData.owner
     - BaseServiceTest : add SQL debug info
     - MockSchedulingInfrastructure : print unexpected exceptions