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  • Yann Mombrun's avatar
    Start version 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT of bundle, camel, mongodb and jetty libraries. · 1247259d
    Yann Mombrun authored
    OPENAXES-78 - Enable to call with --noClassifier option that skip download and installation of bith MCR and classifiers. (Update readme too).
    OPENAXES-79 - If classifier is not installed, then the route skip it. Update og the route and creation of a dedicated bean to be called within the route
    OPENAXES-80 - Fix permission issue by forcing chmod after starting the bundle.
    OPENAXES-81 - Improve the way video file names are stripped from non ascii characters.
    OPENAXES-85 - Use activemq component instead of jms
    OPENAXES-86 - Replace by and update readme accordingly 
    OPENAXES-87 - Use one one route per service.