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  • Michael Hamann's avatar
    XCOMMONS-901: Support both XHTML 1.0 and XHTML 5 in HtmlCleaner · df4b0a91
    Michael Hamann authored
    * Add a new HTML_VERSION parameter to HTMLCleanerConfiguration.
    * Pass the HTML version in DefaultHTMLCleaner to HTMLCleaner and set the document type accordingly.
    * Add a tag transformation to transform `<tt>` to `<span class="monospace">`.
    * Add a tag transformation to replace the font filter in HTML5 as the cleaner removes the font tags too early otherwise.
    * Extend BodyFilter to allow more HTML5 tags directly in the body.
    * Add constants for many HTML5 tags in HTMLConstants.
    * Add a new unit test HTML5HTMLCleanerTest to test the behavior of HTMLCleaner with the HTML5 configuration.
    * Modify DefaultHTMLCleanerTest to allow re-using most test methods in HTML5HTMLCleanerTest.