This application provides for the users a possibility to create bootstrap-tours for every page they want.
* Extension Page:
* Bug Tracker:
* License: LGPL 2.1+.
You can contribute to translate this application in various languages on
You don't need to have technical knowledge to contribute to the translations, feel free to do it!
How to build
mvn clean install -Pquality --settings maven-settings.xml
Developers: commit new translations
To get the translations done on the []( website and commit them into the application, you need to execute the `` command:
# ./
## Look at the new translations
# git status
## Add changes (example)
# git add src/main/resources/TourCode/
## Commit changes
# git commit
## Push them (or make a pull request)
# git push origin master
It should be done before every release.