diff --git a/xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-configuration-resources/src/main/resources/xwiki.properties.vm b/xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-configuration-resources/src/main/resources/xwiki.properties.vm
index 3c2ef43674523e88f0711eadcd8e55ba0479d1c1..f5e4086a8100d2a7ee6b68d7c6e3e245bf691d96 100644
--- a/xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-configuration-resources/src/main/resources/xwiki.properties.vm
+++ b/xwiki-platform-tools/xwiki-platform-tool-configuration-resources/src/main/resources/xwiki.properties.vm
@@ -972,24 +972,27 @@ distribution.automaticStartOnWiki=$xwikiPropertiesAutomaticStartOnWiki
 # attachment.upload.blockList=
-# Active Installs
+# Active Installs 2
 #-# [Since 5.2M2]
-#-# The URL of where the Active Installs module should connect to in order to send a ping of activity. This feature
-#-# regularly sends the following information to xwiki.org about the current instance:
-#-# - its unique id
-#-# - the id and versions of all installed extensions)
+#-# The URL of where the Active Installs 2 module should connect to, in order to send a ping of activity. This feature
+#-# regularly sends anonymous information to xwiki.org about the current instance.
 #-# The goal is to count the number of active installs of XWiki out there and provide statistics on xwiki.org
 #-# The default is:
-# activeinstalls.pingURL=http://extensions.xwiki.org/activeinstalls
+# activeinstalls2.pingURL = https://extensions.xwiki.org/activeinstalls2
+#-# [Since 5.2M2]
+#-# Default user agent used when sending pings.
+#-# The default is:
+# activeinstalls2.userAgent = XWikiActiveInstalls2
 # Wikis
-#-# [Since 5.4.4]
+#-# [Since 14.5]
 #-# Add a default suffix to the alias of a new wiki in the wiki creation wizard, only when the path mode is not used
 #-# (i.e. domain-based, see url.standard.multiwiki.isPathBased). If this value is empty, XWiki will try to compute it
 #-# automatically from the request URL.
@@ -1000,7 +1003,7 @@ distribution.automaticStartOnWiki=$xwikiPropertiesAutomaticStartOnWiki
 #-# The default is:
 # wiki.alias.suffix=
-#-# [Since 14.9RC1]
+#-# [Since 14.5]
 #-# Allows delegating the database/schema/user creation (depends on the database) for a new wiki to an infra admin.
 #-# Said differently, if the following property is false then XWiki will not create any database/schema/user when
 #-# creating a wiki. It's assumed that it will exist prior to using the Wiki creation wizard.