diff --git a/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-ckeditor/xwiki-platform-ckeditor-plugins/src/main/webjar/xwiki-realtime/ckeditorRealtimeAdapter.js b/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-ckeditor/xwiki-platform-ckeditor-plugins/src/main/webjar/xwiki-realtime/ckeditorRealtimeAdapter.js
index cb04094fd251660038f457bf1259c2afe2478478..461d3d067370624876d984e59376fe14da59a6e2 100644
--- a/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-ckeditor/xwiki-platform-ckeditor-plugins/src/main/webjar/xwiki-realtime/ckeditorRealtimeAdapter.js
+++ b/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-ckeditor/xwiki-platform-ckeditor-plugins/src/main/webjar/xwiki-realtime/ckeditorRealtimeAdapter.js
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ define('xwiki-ckeditor-realtime-adapter', [
         // name and data. We can only update an existing widget in a generic way if its type doesn't change.
         const widgetPlaceholder = widgetWrapper.ownerDocument.createElement('xwiki-widget-' + widget.name);
-        widgetPlaceholder.setAttribute('value', JSONSortify(widget.data));
+        widgetPlaceholder.setAttribute('value', this._serializeWidgetData(widget));
         widgetPlaceholder.dataset.widgetId = widget.id;
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ define('xwiki-ckeditor-realtime-adapter', [
           // data is an object and this makes the check always return false. The problem with this is that when the data
           // event is fired the scroll postion is updated, making it hard to scroll the content while remote changes are
           // applied (the scroll bar jumps). So we have to check ourselves if the data has changed.
-          if (widgetData !== JSONSortify(widget.data)) {
+          if (widgetData !== this._serializeWidgetData(widget)) {
             widgetData = JSON.parse(widgetData);
@@ -314,6 +314,27 @@ define('xwiki-ckeditor-realtime-adapter', [
       this._widgetCache = {};
+    _serializeWidgetData(widget) {
+      // Clone the data so that we can modify it without affecting the widget.
+      const data = JSON.parse((JSON.stringify(widget.data)));
+      if (widget.name === 'xwiki-macro') {
+        // Whether a macro widget is inline or block depends on the macro output, which is not synchronized and thus is
+        // missing from the new content that we want to apply to the editor. When the macro widgets from the new content
+        // are initialized the inline flag is set (in the absence of the macro outut) based on the siblings and the
+        // parent of the macro widget. But there are cases where the macro can be both inline and block in the same
+        // context (parent and siblings) so we don't know for sure if the original macro widget was inline or block
+        // (e.g. an info box can technically be both inline and block inside a table cell because a table cell accepts
+        // both inline and block level content). We had two options:
+        // * include information about whether a macro widget is inline or block in the content that we synchronize (so
+        //   that the inline flag is properly set when the macro widgets from the new content are initialized)
+        // * ignore the inline flag when computing the changes between the old and the new content
+        // We chose the second option because it's simpler and because the user can't change only the inline flag
+        // without also changing either the macro parameters and content or the context where the macro is called.
+        delete data.inline;
+      }
+      return JSONSortify(data);
+    }
     async _updateWidgets(updatedNodes) {
       // Reset the focused and selected widgets, as well as the widget holding the focused editable because they may
       // have been invalidated by the DOM changes.