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  • Simon Urli's avatar
    XRENDERING-563: Handle metadata rendering in HTML macro · cb3c453a
    Simon Urli authored
      * Avoid NPE in ListenerChain by checking if a ChainingListener with an
    inherited class has been pushed
      * Add new syntax renderers in HTMLMacro and change the archi to use a
    wrappedListener for adding custom behaviours
      * Update tests on HTMLMacro
    XRENDERING-563: Handle metadata rendering in HTML macro
    Simon Urli authored
      * Avoid NPE in ListenerChain by checking if a ChainingListener with an
    inherited class has been pushed
      * Add new syntax renderers in HTMLMacro and change the archi to use a
    wrappedListener for adding custom behaviours
      * Update tests on HTMLMacro