Jetty WebContainer does not corectly undeploy and redeploy
JOnAS fails to work when jetty is used as the web container. Performing the identical [basic] tests with Tomcat succeeds. There is a problem in deplying and redeploying, plus the order in which the ctxroot in run, if javaee5-earsample is run before ctxroot it always fails, if javaee5-earsample is deployed before ctxroot is run it fails. Undeploying fails to remove the static content. The log files report the actions have taken place but they haven't.
Steps to reproduce: Install JOnAS 5.2.3 Set JONAS_ROOT, set JONAS_BASE to a different location. Run newjb taking all defaults except jetty for tomcat as WebContainer.
Example 1 install clean JOnAS as above Start JOnAS start ctxroot by using Using javaee5-earsample run "ant" to deploy start javaee5-earsample by using stop jonas start JOnAS with -clean option using javaee5-earsample (no ctxroot) 404s
Example 2 install clean JOnAS as above Start JOnAS start ctxroot by using Using javaee5-earsample run "ant" to deploy start javaee5-earsample by using From javaee5-earsample run "ant" to redeploy javax.ejb.EJBException: Error while sending a request at org.ow2.easybeans.proxy.client.ClientRPCInvocationHandler.invoke( at org.ow2.easybeans.proxy.client.ClientRPCInvocationHandler.invoke( at $Proxy64.initializeEntities(Unknown Source) ...
Example 3 install clean JOnAS as above Using javaee5-earsample run "ant" to deploy start JOnAS run ctxroot by using. using javaee5-earsample fails.
Example 4 install clean JOnAS as above start JOnAS Using javaee5-earsample run "ant" to deploy using javaee5-earsample (no cxtroot) fails first time. using ctxroot fails after javaee5-earsample failure.