# Nanocloud
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**Next version of Nanocloud is still in heavy develoment**
Nanocloud relies on Docker containers to run its stack.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Some environment variable are expected to be set in `config.env`:
- IAAS (mandatory) currently only "manual" and "aws" are implemented
- HOST (mandatory, defaults to localhost) nanocloud's host
- SMTP_SERVER_HOST host to send email
- SMTP_SERVER_PORT (defaults to 25) port for the SMTP server
- SMTP_LOGIN login for the SMTP server
- SMTP_PASSWORD password for the SMTP server
- SMTP_SEND_FROM (defaults to nanocloud's sender
Manual driver specific:
- MACHINES (array) Array of machine object to statically insert in the database
AWS driver specific
- AWS_REGION region where machines will appear
- AWS_KEY_NAME Private key name
- AWS_PRIVATE_KEY (defaults to /tmp/id_rsa) path to where the key will be stored
- AWS_IMAGE (defaults to ami-09e61366, Nanocloud default image)
- AWS_FLAVOR (defaults to t2.medium) size of the virtual machine
- AWS_MACHINE_USERNAME (defaults to Administrator) administrator account on the machine
- CREDIT_LIMIT (defaults empty string) set a credit limit to users using aws
Openstack driver specific
- OPENSTACK_USERNAME Openstack username
- OPENSTACK_PASSWORD Openstack password
- OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL Openstack auth URL without version
- OPENSTACK_REGION (Defaults to 'RegionOne') Openstack region name
- OPENSTACK_IMAGE image to boot Windows execution servers from
- OPENSTACK_FLAVOR (defaults to m1.medium) type id of the virtual machine
- OPENSTACK_SECURITY_GROUPS (Defaults to default) security groups to apply to the instance, should be an array
- OPENSTACK_MACHINE_USERNAME (Defaults to Administrator) Windows account username
- OPENSTACK_MACHINE_PASSWORD (Defaults password will generated) Windows account password
Storage specific:
- STORAGE_ADDRESS (mandatory, defaults to 'localhost') storage service's IP
- STORAGE_PORT (mandatory, defaults to 9090) storage service's port
- UPLOAD_LIMIT (defaults 0 (desactivated)) upload limit, in MB, for each user
Once loaded, Nanocloud will be accessible on **localhost**.
# Run in developer mode
Nanocloud also relies on Docker to run its development stack:
docker-compose build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
Backend and frontend containers are automatically updated when source code changes in dev mode.
All services are accessible on localhost.
# Tests
To run all tests:
make tests
This will run all tests defined in `./tests/`.
Alternativelly, tests can be run individually:
- `make test-api` to test the API
- `make test-jshint` to analyse code for errors and warnings
Some environment variables can be set to customize tests:
- TEST_MAIL (boolean, defaults to false) load stub email transporter for testing purpose
**API tests expects a postgres database up and running on localhost**
This file is part of Nanocloud.
Nanocloud is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Nanocloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.