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  • Tasso Evangelista's avatar
    fix: Some structural issues (#1515) · 56042818
    Tasso Evangelista authored
    * Add basic error handling in renderer process
    * Move root reducer
    * Move root saga
    * Update dependencies
    * Fix useElementsRefValues hook
    * fix: Rollback to plain-text Hunspell dictionaries (#1514)
    * Replace @felixrieseberg/spellchecker with electron-hunspell
    * Split app and user dictionaries
    * Update dictionaries
    * Version 2.17.6
    * fix: Spell checking dictionaries files encoded as UTF-8
    * Version 2.17.7
    * Clear removed server from history
    * Add preferences to Redux store
    * Update Electron
    * Refactor preferences saga
    * Fix menu bar and touch bar reactivity
    * Move some menu items
    * Refactor persistence in sagas
    * Remove some eslint quirks
    * Add mainWindowState reducer
    * Refactor main window state handling
    * Refactor tray icon component
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.