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  • Diego Mello's avatar
    [CHORE] Build official apps on CI (#2701) · cd76dd99
    Diego Mello authored
    * Duplicated target and changed Bridging Header
    * Display name
    * Unnecessary dumb swift file removed
    * Buildable name
    * Reorder Info.plist
    * Rename Official target's bundle id
    * Ignore .mobileprovision
    * Fix provisioning of official app
    * Starting signing
    * stash fastfile
    * starting official ci iOS
    * Uncomment Fastfile keychain
    * Fix CI config
    * allowProvisioningUpdates
    * Changing AppIcon and Splash Screen
    * Remove unnecessary folder inside of Images.xcassets
    * Reorder notificationservice and shareextension plists
    * Fix signing
    * Manual signing style for official
    * Split official signing
    * Update project provisioning
    * Use ENV as profile
    * Output match
    * Keys
    * TestFlight refactor
    * Setting up android
    * android-official-play-build job
    * Start removing unnecessary fastlane tasks on Android
    * Trying to refactor Android jobs
    * android-env
    * Remove foss build for now
    * Fork