
# The Ultimate Open Source WebChat Platform
* [Live Demo](#live-demo)
* [Mobile apps](#mobile-apps)
* [Desktop apps](#desktop-apps)
* [Deployment](#deployment)
* [DPlatform](#dplatform)
* [IndieHosters](#indiehosters)
* [Ubuntu 16.04](#ubuntu-1604)
* [](#cloudronio)
* [](#nitrousio)
* [](#sloppyio)
* [Docker](#docker)
* [FreeBSD](#freebsd)
* [Ubuntu VPS](#ubuntu-vps)
* [About Rocket.Chat](#about-rocketchat)
* [On the News](#on-the-news)
* [Features](#features)
* [Roadmap](#roadmap)
* [How it all started](#how-it-all-started)
* [Awards](#awards)
* [Integrations](#integrations)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [License](#license)
* [Development](#development)
* [Quick Start](#quick-start-for-code-developers)
* [Branching Model](#branching-model)
* [Translations](#translations)
* [Community](#community)
* [How to Contribute](#how-to-contribute)
* [Credits](#credits)
* [Donate](#donate)
# Live Demo
Checkout the latest version at [](
# Desktop Apps
Download the Native Cross-Platform Desktop Application at [Rocket.Chat.Electron](
# Mobile Apps
### Available from the AppStore
### Available from Google Play
Now compatible with all Android devices as old as version 4.0.x - [download here](, even on BlackBerry Passport!
Host your own Rocket.Chat server in four seconds flat:
## DPlatform
Easiest way to install a ready-to-run Rocket.Chat server on a Linux machine, VM, or VPS - [@j8r's DPlatform](, now in Alpha!
## IndieHosters
Get your Rocket.Chat instance hosted in a "as a Service" style. You register and we manage it for you! (updates, backup...)
Deploy from shell:
`snap install rocketchat-server`
In under 30 seconds, your Rocket.Chat server will be up and running at `http://host-ip:3000`
Install Rocket.Chat on [Cloudron]( Smartserver:
**Free** development environment for Rocket.Chat in the cloud on [](
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Nitrous Quickstart" width=142 height=34>
Host your own Rocket.Chat server for **FREE** with [One-Click Deploy](
## Scalingo
Deploy your own Rocket.Chat server instantly on [Scalingo](
Host your docker container at []( Get an account and use the [quickstarter](
[Deploy with docker compose](
Use the automated build image of our [most recent release](
docker pull rocketchat/
OR select a specific release ([details of releases available](
docker pull rocketchat/
OR our [official docker registry image](, containing recent stable release build approved by Docker:
## FreeBSD
Run solid five-nines deployment on industry workhorse FreeBSD server:
Deploy on your own enterprise server, or with Microsoft Azure:
Automated production-grade deployment in minutes, for RHEL / CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / 15.04:
## Raspberry Pi 2
Run Rocket.Chat on this world famous $30 quad core server:
## Koozali SME
Add Rocket.Chat to this world famous time tested small enterprise server today:
Follow these [deployment instructions](
Rocket.Chat is a Web Chat Server, developed in JavaScript, using the [Meteor]( fullstack framework.
It is a great solution for communities and companies wanting to privately host their own chat service or for developers looking forward to build and evolve their own chat platforms.
##### [Wired](
> Open Sourcers Race to Build Better Versions of Slack
##### [Hacker News](
> Yes, we made it to the #1
##### [Product Hunt](
##### [JavaScript Weekly](
> An open source Web based, channel based chat system (a la Slack) built using Meteor, the full stack JavaScript development platform.
##### [Open Source China](
> Rocket.Chat 是特性最丰富的 Slack 开源替代品之一。 主要功能:群组聊天,直接通信,私聊群,桌面通知,媒体嵌入,链接预览,文件上传,语音/视频 聊天,截图等等。
##### [](
> Para los programadores que quieran ofrecer un chat en su web
##### [](
> Un chat de código abierto que puedes añadir a la web
##### [](
> Why Slack when you can
##### [](
> Self-hosted alternatives to popular cloud services
- BYOS (bring your own server)
- Multiple Rooms
- Public Channels
- Desktop Notifications
- Mentions
- Avatars
- Markdown
- Emojis
- Scalable file sharing - S3 uploads with CDN downloads
- Live chat / Messaging call center
- LDAP Authentication
- CAS 1.0, 2.0 support for education institutions and hosting providers worldwide
- Support for Okta SSO through SAML v2
- (Beta) Face to Face Video Conferencing (aka WebRTC )
- (Beta) Multi-users Video Group Chat
- (Beta) Jitsi integration
- Audio calls
- Multi-users Audio Conference
- Screensharing
- XMPP bridge ([try it](
- Remote Locations Video Monitoring
- Native real-time APIs for Microsoft C#, Visual Basic, F# and other .NET supported languages ([Get it!](
- API access from [Perl]( and [Java]( (community contributions)
- Chat-ops powered by Hubot: scalable horizontal app integration (early access)
- Massively scalable hosting and provisioning (beta testing now)
- Native Cross-Platform Desktop Application [Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux](
- Mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch [Download on AppStore!](
- Mobile app for Android phone, tablet, and TV stick [Available now on Google Play!](
- Native Firefox OS Application (also for Desktop Firefox and Firefox for Android!) - [Check the docs page for install instructions](
- instant Rocket.Chat server [Now on Sandstorm App Store](
- Available on [Cloudron Store](
- XMPP Support via [Webhook bridge]( [Issue #404](
- Federation via [](, see [hubot-freddie]( and [Federation project]( : [Issue #520](, [Issue #601](
- Support for PostgreSQL: [Issue #533](, [Issue #822](
- Native iOS Application [Issue #270](, [Rocket.Chat.iOS - HELP WANTED](
- Native Android Application [Issue #271 - HELP WANTED](
- Off the Record Messaging [Issue #36](, [Issue #268](
- Wordpress Plug-in [Issue # 1920](
- Drupal Plug-in [Issue # 1921](
- Integration with PSTN (telephone networks)
- API-enabled methods: [Issue #202](, [Issue #454](, [Issue #455](, [Issue #759](
- Scalable WebRTC broadcaster / media-server integration, [Issue #1118](
- White label hosting
- Reseller support for white label hosting
- CRM integrations: Microsoft Dynamics CRM,,, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM and more
- Support multiple teams on the same instance / same VPS infrastructure: [Issue #658](, [Issue #630](
- Kerberos Authentication: [Issue #839](
- More webhooks: GitLab, Confluence, Jira, Piwik, Wordpress: [Issue #233](, [Issue #525](, [Issue #637](, [Issue #638](, [Issue #747](
- Anonymous use of Rocket.Chat: [Issue #604](
- File Sharing via P2P: [Issue #369](, [Issue #370](
- Anti-virus checking on file uploads: [Issue #757](
## How it all started
Read about [how it all started](
[Github Issues]( are used to track todos, bugs, feature requests, and more.
### Stack Overflow
Please use the [Stack Overflow TAG](
#### Hubot
The docker image is ready.
Everyone can start hacking the adapter code, or launch his/her own bot within a few minutes now.
Please head over to the [Hubot Integration Project]( for more information.
#### Chat-ops integrations powered by Hubot
Integrate your application with fly-in panels today! Early access is available for developers.

We are developing the APIs based on the competition, so stay tuned and you will see a lot happening here.
Checkout [Rocket.Chat documentation](
Note that Rocket.Chat is distributed under the [MIT License](
* [Git](
* [Meteor](
Now just clone and start the app:
git clone
cd Rocket.Chat
If you are not a developer and just want to run the server - see [deployment methods](
See [Branches and Releases](
It is based on [Gitflow Workflow](, reference section below is derived from Vincent Driessen at nvie.
See also this [Git Workflows Comparison]( for more details.
## Translations
We are experimenting [Lingohub](
If you want to help, send an email to support at to be invited to the translation project.
Join thousands of members world-wide 24 x 7 in our [community server]( Join the conversation at [Twitter](, [Facebook]( or [Google Plus](
Already a JavaScript developer? Familiar with Meteor? [Pick an issue](, push a PR and instantly become a member of Rocket.Chat's international contributors community.
A lot of work has already gone into Rocket.Chat, but we have much bigger plans for it!
[Aaron Ogle](,
[Diego Sampaio](,
[Gabriel Engel](,
[Marcelo Schmidt](,
[Rodrigo Nascimento](,
and to hundreds of awesome [contributors](
Emoji provided free by [Emoji One](
Performance monitoring provided by [Kadira](
Rocket.Chat will be free forever, but you can help us speed-up the development!