Douglas Fabris authoredDouglas Fabris authored
gimme.ts 727 B
import type { SlashCommandCallbackParams } from '@rocket.chat/core-typings';
import { executeSendMessage } from '../../lib/server/methods/sendMessage';
import { slashCommands } from '../../utils/server/slashCommand';
* Gimme is a named function that will replace /gimme commands
* @param {Object} message - The message object
async function Gimme({ message, params, userId }: SlashCommandCallbackParams<'gimme'>): Promise<void> {
const msg = message;
msg.msg = `༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ${params}`;
await executeSendMessage(userId, msg);
command: 'gimme',
callback: Gimme,
options: {
description: 'Slash_Gimme_Description',
params: 'your_message_optional',
clientOnly: true,