Gabriel Engel authoredGabriel Engel authored
sendMessage.coffee 2.24 KiB
sendMessage: (message) ->
console.log '[methods] sendMessage -> '.green, 'userId:', Meteor.userId(), 'arguments:', arguments
if not Meteor.userId()
throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-user', "[methods] sendMessage -> Invalid user")
if not Meteor.call 'canAccessRoom', message.rid, Meteor.userId()
return false
message.u = Meteor.users.findOne Meteor.userId(), fields: username: 1
message.ts = new Date()
message = RocketChat.callbacks.run 'beforeSaveMessage', message
console.log "message", message
Defer other updated as their return is not interesting to the user
Meteor.defer ->
Update all the room activity tracker fields
# only subscriptions to the same room
rid: message.rid
# update the last message timestamp
lm: message.ts
# increate the messages counter
msgs: 1
message.mentions?.forEach (mention) ->
Update all other subscriptions of mentioned users to alert their owners and incrementing
the unread counter for mentions and direct messages
# only subscriptions to the same room
rid: message.rid
# not the msg owner
'u._id': mention._id
# alert de user
alert: true
# open the room for the user
open: true
# increment undear couter
unread: 1
# make sure we alert all matching subscription
multi: true
Update all other subscriptions to alert their owners but witout incrementing
the unread counter, as it is only for mentions and direct messages
# only subscriptions to the same room
rid: message.rid
# only the ones that have not been alerted yet
alert: false
# not the msg owner
$ne: message.u._id