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Commit 2ed257fc authored by Rodrigo Nascimento's avatar Rodrigo Nascimento
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Add option to disable setting based in other setting and another improvements

parent ec5737af
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RocketChat.settings._sorter = 0
# Add a setting
# @param {String} _id
......@@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ RocketChat.settings.add = (_id, value, options = {}) ->
options.valueSource = 'packageValue'
options.ts = new Date
options.hidden = false
options.sorter ?= RocketChat.settings._sorter++
if process?.env?[_id]?
value = process.env[_id]
......@@ -14,32 +14,38 @@ RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_Registration_AuthenticationServices_Enabled',
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_PasswordReset', true, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', public: true, section: 'Registration' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarStoreType', 'GridFS', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarStorePath', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarResize', true, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarSize', 200, { type: 'int', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarSize', 200, { type: 'int', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_AvatarResize', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarStoreType', 'GridFS', { type: 'select', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar', values: [ { key: 'GridFS', i18nLabel: 'GridFS' }, { key: 'FileSystem', i18nLabel: 'FileSystem' } ] }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AvatarStorePath', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Avatar', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_AvatarStoreType', value: 'FileSystem'} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Facebook', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Facebook' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Facebook' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Facebook', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Facebook', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Facebook', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Google', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Google', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Google_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Google' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Google' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Google_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Google', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Google', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Google_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Google', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Google', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Github', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Github', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Github_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Github' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Github' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Github_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Github', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Github', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Github_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Github', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Github', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Gitlab', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Gitlab' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Gitlab' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Gitlab', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Gitlab', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Gitlab', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Linkedin', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Linkedin' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Linkedin' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Linkedin', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Linkedin', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Linkedin', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Meteor', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Meteor' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Meteor' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Meteor', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Meteor', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Meteor', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter', false, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Twitter', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Twitter' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Twitter' }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_id', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Twitter', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter_secret', '', { type: 'string', group: 'Accounts', section: 'Twitter', enableQuery: {_id: 'Accounts_OAuth_Twitter', value: true} }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AllowUserProfileChange', true, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'General', public: true }
RocketChat.settings.add 'Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange', true, { type: 'boolean', group: 'Accounts', section: 'General', public: true }
......@@ -1797,6 +1797,12 @@ a.github-fork {
padding-top: 0;
&.setting-changed {
> label {
color: #627CFF
input {
color: #444;
@TempSettings = new Meteor.Collection null
added: (data) ->
TempSettings.insert data
changed: (data) ->
TempSettings.update data._id, data
removed: (data) ->
TempSettings.remove data._id
group: ->
group = FlowRouter.getParam('group')
group ?= Settings.findOne({ type: 'group' })?._id
return Settings.findOne { _id: group, type: 'group' }
group ?= TempSettings.findOne({ type: 'group' })?._id
return TempSettings.findOne { _id: group, type: 'group' }
sections: ->
group = FlowRouter.getParam('group')
group ?= Settings.findOne({ type: 'group' })?._id
settings = Settings.find({ group: group }, {sort: {section: 1, i18nLabel: 1}}).fetch()
group ?= TempSettings.findOne({ type: 'group' })?._id
settings = TempSettings.find({ group: group }, {sort: {section: 1, sort: 1, i18nLabel: 1}}).fetch()
sections = {}
for setting in settings
sections[setting.section or ''] ?= []
......@@ -20,6 +31,30 @@ Template.admin.helpers
return sectionsArray
isDisabled: ->
if not @enableQuery?
return {}
return if TempSettings.findOne(@enableQuery)? then {} else {disabled: 'disabled'}
hasChanges: (section) ->
group = FlowRouter.getParam('group')
query =
group: group
changed: true
if section?
if section is ''
query.$or = [
{section: ''}
{section: {$exists: false}}
query.section = section
return TempSettings.find(query).count() > 0
flexOpened: ->
return 'opened' if RocketChat.TabBar.isFlexOpen()
arrowPosition: ->
......@@ -44,28 +79,39 @@ Template.admin.helpers
"change .input-monitor": (e, t) ->
value = _.trim $(
switch @type
when 'int'
value = parseInt(value)
when 'boolean'
value = value is "1"
TempSettings.update {_id: @_id},
value: value
changed: Settings.findOne(@_id).value isnt value
"click .submit .save": (e, t) ->
group = FlowRouter.getParam('group')
settings = Settings.find({ group: group }).fetch()
updateSettings = []
for setting in settings
value = null
if setting.type is 'string'
value = _.trim(t.$("[name=#{setting._id}]").val())
else if setting.type is 'int'
value = parseInt(_.trim(t.$("[name=#{setting._id}]").val()))
else if setting.type is 'boolean' and t.$("[name=#{setting._id}]:checked").length
value = if t.$("[name=#{setting._id}]:checked").val() is "1" then true else false
else if setting.type is 'color'
value = _.trim(t.$("[name=#{setting._id}]").val())
else if setting.type is 'select'
value = t.$("[name=#{setting._id}]").val()
if value?
updateSettings.push { _id: setting._id, value: value }
if not _.isEmpty updateSettings
RocketChat.settings.batchSet updateSettings, (err, success) ->
query =
group: group
changed: true
if @section is ''
query.$or = [
{section: ''}
{section: {$exists: false}}
query.section = @section
settings = TempSettings.find(query, {fields: {_id: 1, value: 1}}).fetch()
if not _.isEmpty settings
RocketChat.settings.batchSet settings, (err, success) ->
return toastr.error TAPi18n.__ 'Error_updating_settings' if err
toastr.success TAPi18n.__ 'Settings_updated'
......@@ -42,28 +42,28 @@
{{#each settings}}
<div class="input-line double-col">
<div class="input-line double-col {{#if changed}}setting-changed{{/if}}">
{{#if $eq type 'string'}}
{{#if multiline}}
<textarea name="{{_id}}" rows="4" style="height: auto">{{value}}</textarea>
<textarea class="input-monitor" name="{{_id}}" rows="4" style="height: auto" {{isDisabled}}>{{value}}</textarea>
<input type="text" name="{{_id}}" value="{{value}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" />
<input class="input-monitor" type="text" name="{{_id}}" value="{{value}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" {{isDisabled}}/>
{{#if $eq type 'int'}}
<input type="number" name="{{_id}}" value="{{value}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" />
<input class="input-monitor" type="number" name="{{_id}}" value="{{value}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" {{isDisabled}}/>
{{#if $eq type 'boolean'}}
<label><input type="radio" name="{{_id}}" value="1" checked="{{$eq value true}}" /> {{_ "True"}}</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="{{_id}}" value="0" checked="{{$eq value false}}" /> {{_ "False"}}</label>
<label><input class="input-monitor" type="radio" name="{{_id}}" value="1" checked="{{$eq value true}}" {{isDisabled}}/> {{_ "True"}}</label>
<label><input class="input-monitor" type="radio" name="{{_id}}" value="0" checked="{{$eq value false}}" {{isDisabled}}/> {{_ "False"}}</label>
{{#if $eq type 'select'}}
<select name="{{_id}}">
<select class="input-monitor" name="{{_id}}" {{isDisabled}}>
{{#each values}}
<option value="{{key}}" selected="{{selectedOption ../_id key}}">{{_ i18nLabel}}</option>
......@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@
{{#if $eq type 'color'}}
<input type="text" class="minicolors" name="{{_id}}" value="{{value}}" />
<input class="input-monitor minicolors" type="text" name="{{_id}}" value="{{value}}" {{isDisabled}}/>
{{#if $eq type 'action'}}
<button type="button" class="button primary action" data-setting="{{_id}}" data-action="{{value}}">{{_ actionText}}</button>
<button type="button" class="button primary action" data-setting="{{_id}}" data-action="{{value}}" {{isDisabled}}>{{_ actionText}}</button>
{{#if $eq type 'asset'}}
......@@ -115,6 +115,12 @@
{{#if hasChanges section}}
<div class="submit">
<button class="button save"><i class="icon-send"></i><span>{{_ "Save_changes"}}</span></button>
......@@ -123,7 +129,6 @@
{{#if $eq group._id 'Accounts'}}
<button class="button secondary add-custom-oauth"><span>{{_ "Add_custom_oauth"}}</span></button>
<button class="button save"><i class="icon-send"></i><span>{{_ "Save_changes"}}</span></button>
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