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Commit 3161216f authored by Alex Brazier's avatar Alex Brazier
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Add setting to disable system notifications

parent 072e4725
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with 62 additions and 19 deletions
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Template.channelSettings.helpers
return t('Room_archivation_state_false')
readOnly: ->
return ChatRoom.findOne(@rid, { fields: { ro: 1 }})?.ro
systemMessages: ->
return ChatRoom.findOne(@rid, { fields: { sysMes: 1 }})?.sysMes isnt false
'keydown input[type=text]': (e, t) ->
......@@ -133,6 +135,10 @@ Template.channelSettings.onCreated -> 'unarchiveRoom', ChatRoom.findOne(room._id)
when 'readOnly' 'saveRoomSettings', room._id, 'readOnly', @$('input[name=readOnly]:checked').val() is 'true', (err, result) ->
return handleError err if err
toastr.success TAPi18n.__ 'Read_only_changed_successfully'
return handleError err if err
toastr.success TAPi18n.__ 'Read_only_changed_successfully'
when 'systemMessages' 'saveRoomSettings', room._id, 'systemMessages', @$('input[name=systemMessages]:checked').val() is 'true', (err, result) ->
return handleError err if err
toastr.success TAPi18n.__ 'System_messages_setting_changed_successfully'
......@@ -78,6 +78,19 @@
<label>{{_ "System_messages"}}</label>
{{#if editing 'systemMessages'}}
<label><input type="radio" name="systemMessages" class="editing" value="true" checked="{{$eq systemMessages true}}" /> {{_ "On"}}</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="systemMessages" value="false" checked="{{$neq systemMessages true}}" /> {{_ "Off"}}</label>
<button type="button" class="button secondary cancel">{{_ "Cancel"}}</button>
<button type="button" class="button primary save">{{_ "Save"}}</button>
<span>{{#if systemMessages}}{{_ "On"}}{{else}}{{_ "Off"}}{{/if}}{{#if canEdit}} <i class="icon-pencil" data-edit="systemMessages"></i>{{/if}}</span>
{{#each channelSettings}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=template data=data}}
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
RocketChat.saveRoomSystemMessages = (rid, systemMessages, user) ->
unless Match.test rid, String
throw new Meteor.Error 'invalid-room', 'Invalid room', { function: 'RocketChat.saveRoomSystemMessages' }
update = RocketChat.models.Rooms.setSystemMessagesById rid, systemMessages
return update
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Meteor.methods
unless Match.test rid, String
throw new Meteor.Error 'error-invalid-room', 'Invalid room', { method: 'saveRoomSettings' }
if setting not in ['roomName', 'roomTopic', 'roomDescription', 'roomType', 'readOnly', 'default']
if setting not in ['roomName', 'roomTopic', 'roomDescription', 'roomType', 'readOnly', 'systemMessages', 'default']
throw new Meteor.Error 'error-invalid-settings', 'Invalid settings provided', { method: 'saveRoomSettings' }
unless RocketChat.authz.hasPermission(Meteor.userId(), 'edit-room', rid)
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ Meteor.methods
when 'readOnly'
if value isnt
RocketChat.saveRoomReadOnly rid, value, Meteor.user()
when 'systemMessages'
if value isnt room.sysMes
RocketChat.saveRoomSystemMessages rid, value, Meteor.user()
when 'default'
RocketChat.models.Rooms.saveDefaultById rid, value
......@@ -14,13 +14,21 @@ RocketChat.models.Rooms.setReadOnlyById = (_id, readOnly) ->
update =
ro: readOnly is true
ro: readOnly
if readOnly is true
if readOnly
users = @findOne(query, { fields: { usernames: 1 }})?.usernames
if users
update.$set.muted = users
update.$set.muted = []
return @update query, update
RocketChat.models.Rooms.setSystemMessagesById = (_id, systemMessages) ->
query =
_id: _id
update =
sysMes: systemMessages
return @update query, update
......@@ -268,6 +268,9 @@ RocketChat.models.Messages = new class extends RocketChat.models._Base
createWithTypeRoomIdMessageAndUser: (type, roomId, message, user, extraData) ->
room = RocketChat.models.Rooms.findOneById roomId, { fields: { sysMes: 1 }}
if room?.sysMes is false
record =
t: type
rid: roomId
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Meteor.methods
newUser = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByUsername data.username
if and not RocketChat.authz.hasPermission(Meteor.userId(), 'post-read-only')
if and not RocketChat.authz.hasPermission(newUser._id, 'post-read-only')
RocketChat.models.Rooms.addUsernameByIdAndMute data.rid, data.username
RocketChat.models.Rooms.addUsernameById data.rid, data.username
......@@ -41,12 +41,11 @@ Meteor.methods
alert: true
unread: 1
if not
fromUser = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById fromId
RocketChat.models.Messages.createUserAddedWithRoomIdAndUser data.rid, newUser,
ts: now
_id: fromUser._id
username: fromUser.username
fromUser = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById fromId
RocketChat.models.Messages.createUserAddedWithRoomIdAndUser data.rid, newUser,
ts: now
_id: fromUser._id
username: fromUser.username
return true
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Meteor.methods
name: name
ts: now
ro: readOnly is true
sysMes: readOnly isnt true
usernames: members
_id: user._id
......@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ Meteor.methods
room = RocketChat.models.Rooms.createWithTypeNameUserAndUsernames 'c', name, user, members,
ts: now
ro: readOnly is true
sysMes: readOnly isnt true
for username in members
member = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByUsername username
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Meteor.methods
room = RocketChat.models.Rooms.createWithTypeNameUserAndUsernames 'p', name, me, members,
ts: now
ro: readOnly is true
sysMes: readOnly isnt true
for username in members
member = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByUsername(username, { fields: { username: 1 }})
......@@ -34,10 +34,8 @@ Meteor.methods
alert: true
unread: 1
# Don't post message in read only rooms
if not
RocketChat.models.Messages.createUserJoinWithRoomIdAndUser rid, user,
ts: now
RocketChat.models.Messages.createUserJoinWithRoomIdAndUser rid, user,
ts: now
Meteor.defer -> 'afterJoinRoom', user, room
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Meteor.startup ->
ro: 1
jitsiTimeout: 1
description: 1
sysMes: 1
if RocketChat.authz.hasPermission(this.userId, 'view-c-room')
return RocketChat.models.Rooms.findByTypeAndName 'c', identifier, options
......@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ Meteor.startup ->
ro: 1
jitsiTimeout: 1
description: 1
sysMes: 1
user = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById this.userId, fields: username: 1
return RocketChat.models.Rooms.findByTypeAndNameContainingUsername 'p', identifier, user.username, options
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